What's that one special NPC, that you want to romance?

Lew Zealand

I have previously expressed a strong preference for my big huggy bear The Henchman as the other potentially huggy people are overly furry. He's really in a sorry state when you find him, trapped in a dead-end job with no windows by an absentee employer who gives away forces on the Farmer for free the very thing that makes him most happy, yet never shares it with him.

I will save him from a life of darkness outside and excessive lightness inside and flip the table. With me he will be filled with darkness as he casually sips Void Mayo in the evening shade on the porch.

And if he's not available I'll trade green skin for green hair and take Caroline. Look, whoever it is needs to match my outfit, OK?


Caroline, 100%

During my first playthrough I wanted to romance her until I figured out she was married to Pierre, then spiraled over to Abigail because - well, next best thing I guess, right? Not really, though that did work out for that particular save, but Caroline's always just kind of been there, lurking in the back of my mind whenever I feel like I've done everything else the game has to offer.

There is a mod that allows you to marry Caroline, but that doesn't quite hit it right for me either. It gets the job done, but a lot of the narrative focus ends up falling upon sparking a divorce and feels like an equal (or greater) emphasis falls on "I hate Pierre" - but if I had the mod-know-how I'd probably invent some new wife for Pierre and make Caroline her own separate entity. Maybe turn her into a bath house attendant who lives in a side room of the bathhouse, with her sunroom now being on the roof (it even looks like you should be able to go up there as is!). And then I could provide her with the ranch of her childhood dreams and feed her fish tacos and green tea without being a homewrecker.



A) This gives Penny a parental figure that she can actually talk to.
B) This gives Pam something else to live for, besides Booze and Religion.
C) PenPen no longer has to clean up after Pam’s drunken messes, because Pam will be in the farmhouse, and have to fix stuff herself in her own room.
D) (Oh god, this is gonna sound so bad) If she sucks as a spouse, drop her, and run off with her daughter, for that extra salt in the wound.
E) I know I’ve seen someone on this forum say that they feel like they’re grave robbing, with the existing spouses. Pam is much older, and fills an ‘older Spouse’ hole.


Clint! With a mod it is possible and he turns into a decent lovable middle aged guy. Also I’m personally straight but I think Marnie deserves better. She’s stuck hiding a dead end going no where ever relationship, being used for one thing only, and with a dead end greedy selfish old power hungry mayor who puts his golden spotless (yeah right) reputation above her at all costs. And as others have said Sandy would be a good candidate. Willy seems like a nice older option. Marlon too, he could really have an interesting backstory. Birdie needs a companion even if she wouldn’t marry, a friend who’d live on the island with her at least. Definitely need more middle aged options. I can’t date people who could be my irl children it’s against my principles. And just unthinkably gross. 🤢


Definitely need more middle aged options. I can’t date people who could be my irl children it’s against my principles. And just unthinkably gross. 🤢
The degree to which the age of the PC is not a choice is a problem. It's just so strange that someone who was holding down a job and came to Stardew Valley is included in instances of "you kids," is expected to hunt easter eggs, is told to "look sharp" for the governor. And as it stands, only Leah, Harvey, and Elliott aren't children of villagers. That's the option set.


I’m kind of surprised no one said Robin, because that would be my first pick… If she wasn’t married to Demetrius of course.
I think we were discussing the singles. Now if we said if the if someone didn’t already get married to so and so I’m sure Caroline, Jodi, Robin, Kent, Demetrius, and I could never see this but maybe someone would have a thing for Pierre 🫤…would make the list.