What to do, post reaching Perfection?


Other than Dungeon runs (loot, radioactive nodes), detailed decoration, min/maxing and Mr. Qi quests/shopping, is there anything else to do, or this is it; the end?
I think the Qi quests are what's supposed to give the game value post perfection. Some people set personal goals beyond perfection - FG shot for being a billionaire and I think he reported his success here. But he also brings a level of dedication to the game that I suspect few of us can manage.


Once you reach perfection It's kinda tough to feel like you have beat the game, Like it may be time to move on but there is still a lot to do.. Money goals maybe? Collect all of the decor.. Beat the arcade games.. Get all the secret Items.. there is a lot to do if you want to extend your game:)


Post-perfection is very much whatever you want to make it - I guess the end is only really when you stop having fun. You could just kick back and do whatever bits of the game you most enjoy. Or if you feel like starting over, you could pick a different farm type or do a challenge run.

Sometimes if I want some ideas, I click 'random page' on the wiki until something sparks. (Or boredom sets in, lol)

Lew Zealand

I'm writing, not playing. I'm not sure what or how or if to play as I'm having an in-game existential crisis, so I'm writing instead. Avoidance behavior at its best, my decades of training are paying off! Feels kindsa like the end of my first playthrough, a post-game hangover. I probably need pizza and a beer, where's Shane?
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Local Legend
I think someone already spoke on my behalf but making your own challenges up is super fun, it's not for everyone but I find the freedom of playing after you've done anything with a time constraint really relaxing.

Try skipping days to do stuff you want, collect a bunch of something or a bit of everything, decorate with all the money you now have (1.6 brings a bunch of awesome catalogues), try messing with bugs or glitches, or develop the farm into one you can go to when you need to relax every day with little chores each day to keep your mind off anything.

I like having a couple of my longterm saves just to chill, I keep them as my main farms and chip away at challenges on them but play on another farm if I want the early game rush. Don't feel like starting a new farm is abandoning your old one, they can coexist for as long as you want.


Nice suggestions, everyone! I will start from loved gifts fully registered for everyone, skipping days to do various stuff and decor/secrets!

Maybe i will go on excessive Dangerous Caverns and Mines expeditions too, the new versions of them are super interesting, challenging and hard. Big purple slimes dropped couple of Galaxy Souls for me occasionally, so i will soon get the Infinity weapon to try it out!

By the way, i completely forgot Tailoring! And to make a super nice Fish Tank, or more! Thanks for the ideas!


I was having SDV Burnout, before I got Perfection ( [1] ) so I kind of ended, when I got that, but I was running a challenge beforehand: Fill all of my farming spaces (600) with Deluxe Fertiliser Rare Seeds.

Food for thought. :smile:


I no longer play vanilla, I now play the Stardew Expanded mod with heaps more content. Then there is the 999 challenge which I have yet to start even though I have updated my spreadsheets to 1.6 which has made this challenge more difficult with all the new added content.