What hobbies have you picked up during lockdown?


Creating or perusing digital art?

Yeah the virus has been very hard on all of us for one reason or another. I'm sorry to hear that you've turned into even more of a turtle than you were before. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like there's any end in sight for the pandemic, but hang in there okay?
I'm perusing digital art, and practicing, but I'm not really creating until my skills improve. And thank you, hopefully there will be an end to the pandemic in sight soon. Hang in there too 😊


For me it was cooking. I find it as a good way to occupy my time as well as reducing food costs by not having to eat out so much. Also cooking stuff usually tastes better too (unless i forgot that i left a tortilla on the stove or something).
Lock picking
Dancing on the road
Reading even more!*
* I will give book recommendations to anyone who asks (story thieves is really good)
(don't judge me unless you're perfect and have no weird interests)


(Fashionably) Late, as always

I started playing Stardew about three months after the lockdown started and I haven't stopped since, but there are worse problems to have.
Also photography. I try to take pictures of stuff and be all serious and serene, but it never works out and I end up taking low quality iPhone photos lol. I guess all that matters is that it's fun.


Learning how to put my kids outside, regardless of their fussing about the weather? We've had them home too long, and my sympathy about crap weather has been whittled down to 0 because the noise and fighting is just too constant. "You've got a raincoat and boots. You'll be fine. We'll tell you when you can come back in."

It doesn't hurt that I bike to work even in the driving rain. Just standing outside in the back yard doesn't get you half as wet as biking through the rain.
Golly we played outside constantly or at neighborhood friends houses we’d walk or bike too. Different times. Kids these days are so overbooked with afterschool stuff and sports and way too much homework that they don’t get to be kids anymore and just play afterschool and have FUN. No internet, smart phones, social media. Just good old fashioned play time.