Summer Week 1, Year 4. Bobbi and Emily meditate upon the week's happenings.
The last day of Spring means gathering the final Forage before it disappears for another year, even though Farmer Bobbi already hoarded far more than she'll ever need.
Almost too late she realized an important choice must be made, craft and plant another 191 Fiber Seeds just to Bomb them down on Summer 1 or clear, hoe, water, fertilize, plant on Summer 1. The obvious answer is boooomity-

but that requires quite a lot of Mixed Seeds and Bobbi only has one Season's more left.
Time for a test! Will plant and bomb tomorrow and see if we can acquire enough Mixed Seeds for the Summer-Fall transition. Raided the Mutant Bug Lair, the Community Center Park and Cindersap on Summer 1 for 12 Seed drops, which is already 1/4 of what's needed. And the Green Rain will be happening this Season...
Speaking of Summer and Boom,
Ha, Farmer Bobbi's just messin' with ya, she grabbed the Sprinklers before setting the Bombs down! Aaaand....? Hm. Where are the Starfroot Seeds? Sackinfrackinmissinwhacken! Off to Sandy's, ooo! and today's new Shirt selection! Bobbi spent so long trying to remember if she had that shirt already and then figure how many Seeds to buy (It's The
Same Every Season!!) that she bought about 80 too many. Hm, I'm just... planning for next year!
A short 5 hours after remembering that Farmers need Seeds to plant, the crop is in the ground. We
need to make this Mixed Seeds thing work, this is just too easy. No! Never too easy, you can always try to make it easier.
Heading inside...
Emily reaches out to poke a finger through a hole in the brand new shirt she just made which Bobbi apparently blew a hole through with her
creative destructive Farming techniques.
"Wait what?!? nooo--!," Bobbi exclaims as she looks down frantically to find Emily's finger not stuck in a shirt hole but flicking Bobbi's nose with a sharp fingernail before Emily runs off laughing to hide behind a Fish Tank. Bobbi's now noiseless mouth continues to hang open advertising free room 'n board for summer houseflies.
"You played the oldest trick in the book on me?!" Bobbi exclaims, finding her voice again.
"When I heard that
awful racket last month and looked through the window seeing you setting off
BOMBS on our
Farm...!", Emily pauses a second, panting, catching her breath behind a Coral. "...well to be honest I was impressed it worked! But then I got an idea to mess with you." Giggles echo from the far end of the western aquarium room.
"And you're fun to mess with, honey!", she finishes as she grabs a stuffed Junimo and tosses it at Bobbi while hunkered down behind the tank. More giggles.
Bobbi grabs the stuffed ammunition and loads up on some more and quite a bit of running, throwing, laughing and general silliness ensues. Only a few Junimos ended up soggy, which made them better projectiles until the Coffee Plants got whacked and it was time to take things mostly almost serious again.
Don't mess with the Coffee.
Later that week, Emily noticed the distinct odor of Blueberries in the Shed and asked Bobbi how many were needed for her collection. Bobbi eventually took the hint that they weren't Emily's favorite and maybe she could part with a few.
"OK finefine, whatever I'll clear some space," Bobbi said mock exasperatedly. "If I
haaave tooo." Emily hip-bumped Bobbi and left.
Hm, maybe I should listen to Emms more often.
It rained a lot this week which made for more indoor family fishwatching time, with Bobbi and Emily keeping an eye on each other in case someone brandishes a stuffed animal.
And Bobbi made an Anvil (!) in order to recolor her favorite cave diving buddy (uh because apparently anvils work that way...?) and he ended up being a rainbowfroggie on the first try!
"Ooo look, he's the color of your knees when you get back from Skull Cavern," Emily starts. "No wait, now he's the color of that bruise you got from the pillow fight!"
And the Blue Discus continued to deliver fun, different things trying to convince Bobbi that they're totally the bestest fish, not those flashy Stingrays.
......ehhh mostly.
Squelching into the Farmhouse, only slightly dampened through to the bone by the incessant rain, Bobbi muses out loud, "I have 51 Golden Coconuts already, just how many Island Bikini Tops do I need?"
Appearing almost magically around the corner from the Catalog nook with an aura of mischief, Emily declares, "All of them of course! So we can set up a swim shop and sell them, what do you think?" Bobbi opens her mouth to answer but Emily puts a finger to Bobbi's lips to silence her. "And
you have to model them in the window," she finishes with a devilish smile and wink.