me too lmao—i had hay but i didnt know how to feed my chickens it was awfulIt took about two in-game weeks to figure out how to feed my chickens on my first save as I didn't realize I had to manually set out hay and I had cut all my grass into hay. Good times.
[name of chicken] is looking thin.... yup, been there, too. i was so confused with a full silo and chickens that were too lmao—i had hay but i didnt know how to feed my chickens it was awful
I still do this and after maybe 3 seasons of stuff accumulating and never needing it even once, I'll finally sell the lot for a fat profit, buy an Obelisk, find myself broke, and repeat the whole set of shenanigans.- I keep thinking that I'll sell these items later "when I REALLY need the money"
Soooo close! Just hand that Driftwood a little to the left in the Saloon and Leah would have liked it!I also gifted a lot of random stuff that others didn't appreciate (driftwood is cool! Elliott will love it!)
lol hindsight is 20/20... plus i had no clue that the wiki for SV existed until wayyyy later.Soooo close! Just hand that Driftwood a little to the left in the Saloon and Leah would have liked it!
IMO playing through without the spoilers from the Wiki is ideal as you really don't want to rush that first experience. That should last as long as you can make it, because you'll never get that quite the same again. Though I did break this 'rule' to find at least Liked gifts for some of the Townspeople. Once I found how that mechanic worked, I found it too frustrating not knowing what Leah or Sam, etc. liked. I tried to keep horse blinders on for the Loved gifts as that felt too cheaty and just find those out over the course of the hindsight is 20/20... plus i had no clue that the wiki for SV existed until wayyyy later.
I did this too!I donated the prismatic shard instead of getting the at the time best weapon (pre-updates and stuff). I didn't know about it yet and always donated my first of any kind of gem. I haven't found one yet sinceBut I just saw a post here yesterday about the rainbow trout so I put them in a fish pond on my current path.
I did the same. I eventually got another in Year 4 after hitting Skull Cavern on a Lucky day with Lucky Lunches and Bombs to maximizeI did this too!![]()
Same. And then I got beat up by slimes and had to scythe my way down to level 5, only to find I had to kill 10 more slimes to get my sword back! Just call me the Grim Reaper.* "Nah, I don't need to go into the mines. I mean, I'm a farmer, not a builder, right?"
Ok that read like a sitcom episode except your story is actually good! I love it!I made plenty of rookie mistakes but this was my fave.
Decided one summer day in year 2 I needed to go fish in the ocean first thing in the morning no matter what the weather or farm needs. Can't remember why now. Probably just a billboard request. Anyhow, I took one of my beach totems (a pile of which were my first Winter Star gift from Willy) and rolled out of bed at 6 AM and warped to the beach, where I learn it's pouring rain. Wandered about for forage (almost nothing's so urgent you can't check for forage), and noticed the ghost hanging out.
I think some of you know where this is going....
Talk to him, since the last time I did he said I wasn't ready. This time he says he's got this pendant, and if I give it to me best girl she'll know what I mean.
I'd been disappointed about now how little, outside of an event, dialogue and time with my awesome artist *didn't* change after I handed her a bouquet, so innocent me thought, "oh, maybe if I give her this, folks in town will notice we're dating and say something, or she'll go on a date with me."
So... finish my fishing. It's late enough Leah and Willy will both already be at the tavern. So I stop in there first. get my money from Willy, then hand Leah her shiny pendant...
... aaaand now I'm getting married.
(Which, y'know, I wasn't ready for that step, but hey, she's been my only girl, I wasn't planning to date around, so, why not?)
... the kicker is when I finally get back to the farm to rush through my chores before it gets too dark, there's a letter in the mailbox from Lewis, saying "if you're getting serious about your relationship, here's how we propose marriage on Stardew Valley"...
Granny Evelyn warned you... ;DMy biggest mistake was in the first year...I didn't realise each season was 28 days long or that seeds were seasonal. I bought and planted tons and tons of seeds on the last day of spring....the next day they were weeds. Lesson learnt.