What are you doing right now? Have any Hobbies?


I'm writing! Been working on a Southern Gothic novel for a few years now, but also Star Wars fanfic, lol. I SHOULD pick my flute back up and dust off my rusty skills, but I am SO embarrassed by my deteriorated skills that I don't want my roommates to hear OTL


Recently I've been getting back into games I haven't played in a while cough cough stardew cough cough. Also been listening to some albums by Kikuo.


Staff member
I should be focusing on the website I'm auditing for work (I'm a digital accessibility auditor), but I'm trying to keep from falling asleep by poking around on the forums. After work, since it's still rainy, I will probably play Stardew instead of going outside to pull weeds from my garden bed.
That sounds like a pretty cool job!


That sounds like a pretty cool job!
It is! It's a growing field, too, so anyone who knows semantic HTML well and knows CSS and Javascript well enough not to be freaked out by looking at pages of code should consider getting into this line of work. I spend my days navigating websites via keyboard and screen readers and doing some poking into the main HTML code to see where it's falling short and not meeting the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1, level AA success criteria. I write up lists of what's not meeting the guidelines, give recommendations for each problem I record, and then we send it to our clients so they can tell their devs or whatever web development company they hire what needs fixing. It is amazing how little of the internets is actually accessible for people who have disabilities, temporary or permanent.

I used to teach college-level writing, burned out, and went looking for another job. I was amazed when I managed to find this one, which is both in demand and lets me help to make the world a better place for others. I didn't think I'd manage to find that sort of unicorn job!

Edit: if anyone's interested, send me a PM and I'll link you to some of the resources that can help you get started. It's easier than people think, and main problem we're running into right now is that web and app developers often think of accessibility as an add-on rather than taking it into account from the start.
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Staff member
I used to teach college-level writing, burned out, and went looking for another job. I was amazed when I managed to find this one, which is both in demand and lets me help to make the world a better place for others. I didn't think I'd manage to find that sort of unicorn job!
Well congrats on finding a job you like and is a force for good, that is certainly a tough thing to find :)


Cooking! Cooking is gettin me through this pandemic. I found it therapeutic in some ways, especially when first attempt turns out to something delish. Its kinda like a hobby that i recently discovered and established a smol catering related business from it. during my younger days i used to hate anything related to kitchen. Well, I guess people change as they age. Aside from newly discovered hobby and routine, I spend my free time playing with my cats. :D

Lady Laurus

I have too many hobbies to count. I enjoy knitting, cooking, baking, playing stardew valley, reading, writing, gardening, drawing, sewing, and more.