What’s your favorite season?

Which season:

  • Spring

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • Summer

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • Fall

    Votes: 14 48.3%
  • Winter

    Votes: 3 10.3%

  • Total voters


Local Legend
The best advice I’ve seen, which admittedly I’m not good at, is remembering that YOU are in charge of what you do or don’t do in any game day. The Siren Song of “maximum efficiency” is absolutely a trap, and has consumed many many players. But on any given day, if you want to be fishing in the morning, just go do that. If you instead prefer to go around chopping trees all day, go do that. YOU choose both what to do, and what to ignore, and there’s nothing wrong with being less than perfectly efficient. (Yes, part of me cringes as i type that, but it’s still true)
Bah, efficiency humbug. I spent a whole day putting hay bales on top of grass starter in front of each coop, and lined up each rarecrow in numerical order in front of the barn. (Except for the mouse-raccoon one, I'm actually using that one, so I need to buy an extra one. There is a hay bale holding its place for now.) I just like the way it looks.

I think I've come to like winter best, because every other season, the animals are free roaming in the grass pasture, and I actually stress out a little if I don't find all the rabbits for daily petting.


#1 Spring- With the addition of the desert festival it has the best single event and overall the best events of any season. Great selection of crops and the beautiful Cherry blossoms. It is also the season you are introduced to the world in. For my main farm, I always seem to like the look of it best at the end of spring.

Downside of spring- The first day of spring (after year 1) might be the most work and most important work day of the entire year. A lot of clearing and generally the most crops needing to be planted.

#2 Winter- This is more of personal preference. I love decorating and it is the best season for it. It is the most different of the seasons in the game and it feels like winter. You tend to spend less time outdoors, you don't have to worry about crops, you can focus on mining, fishing and other resources. It also has good events.

Downside of winter- Like real winter it starts out as an exciting change but by the the end you just want spring to come. Your farm itself is probably the ugliest it is all year. You don't have the crops or as much to do. But that can either be a good thing or bad depending on how you look at it.

#3 Fall- It is my favorite season in real life. Number three in the game. I like the changing of the leaves and them dancing in the wind. In fall depending on what crops you choose it is the most established your farm will be in the year and the least amount of work with still huge payoffs. It is a more laid back season.

Downside of fall- There is less events and those events are not as good after experiencing them the first year. They just have less replay value of some of the other events.

#4 Summer- My least favorite. It has some good crops. the green rain is cool the first experience but then it kind of becomes just a random chore once a season. I don't hate summer but unlike the others there just isn't really anything i love about summer.

Downside of summer- Similar to fall with the weak events- But the Luau and moonlight jellies are probably two of my least favorite events of the game, the addition of the trout derby does add a little replay value every year. But Summers biggest issue is the addition of ginger island. That kind of knocks summer down a notch in Stardew Valley because it is always summer on ginger island.