weird rock spawned on my farm


a few in-game days ago this big 2x4 rock spawned but it looks weird, I think I've seen pics of it but idk what the heck it is,,,, or why it spawned,,, :unamused:

it's gray with purple spikes coming out of it. looks like some slime monster idk

I tried breaking it but my crappy starter pickaxe that I'm too lazy to upgrade can't break it ;; lmao


You have a meteorite! You'll need a gold pickaxe to break it, and then it'll give 6 iridium ore, 6 stone, and two geodes. Otherwise it'll just stay there forever.
ah heck,,,, im tOo brOke fOr a gOlDeN pIcKAcxe

but alright :D sounds like a nice darn rock :laugh: