Unofficial mod updates


In case if anyone is still trying with the deluxe autograbber unoffical update, I finally figured out how to make it work!

The issue is with any old crops planted before updating to 1.5, including indoor crops. In order for it to work, every single plant must be destroyed first before replanting. Then use the setforagerlocation command and everything works as intended. With the only exception of global foraging not working in new areas just the regular old foraging.

EDIT: I tested again and it even collects crops and fruit trees planted in new area!! Yes, that includes new crops and fruit trees
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In case if anyone is still trying with the deluxe autograbber unoffical update, I finally figured out how to make it work!

The issue is with any old crops planted before updating to 1.5, including indoor crops. In order for it to work, every single plant must be destroyed first before replanting. Then use the setforagerlocation command and everything works as intended. With the only exception of global foraging working on new areas but that's to be expected
the new area and corps is the biggest problem:flushed:


the new area and corps is the biggest problem:flushed:
EDIT: I tested again and it WORKS! Harvest crops and trees no problem even if u sleep there. Just no foraging in new areas but regular global foraging works
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Can someone update this mod? I would be very grateful. (Teh's Fishing Overhaul)
Hi! There's an unofficial update that is compatible with the current version of SMAPI and SDV here. To make compatible with mods such as Stardew Valley Expanded and More Fish (or any other mod that adds new fish into the game), load a game with all fishing mods installed, then go into the Teh's Fishing Overhaul mod folder, delete the fish.json and fishtraits.json files and press F5 to reload the mod, it will then update the mod with the modded fish instead of the default fish. If there's any errors (I've gotten a weird error where I started catching cooking items while fishing for some reason) just repeat the same process once or twice and you should be able to get it working.


May I request Animalsitter:

And Deluxe Autorgrabber:

From what I can find, both are broken with 1.5.
Both already have unofficial updates in this thread. Not sure how far back, so I guess try searching.

Pathoschild/Mod: Maybe we can get a list of mods that have been updated and a link to the post in the first post? Help at least cut down on the number of people asking for mods that have already been updated.


Both already have unofficial updates in this thread. Not sure how far back, so I guess try searching.

Pathoschild/Mod: Maybe we can get a list of mods that have been updated and a link to the post in the first post? Help at least cut down on the number of people asking for mods that have already been updated.
Deluxe Autograbber was updated, but the patch was removed by the author
Compatibility patch for 1.5; no new features added

Edit: Changed version from unofficial.1 to unofficial.5
Note: It's being reported that this causes problems with Golden Walnuts. If you face issues with Golden Walnuts on your play-through, disable global foraging!
Edit 2: I have decided to delete the patch because its been causing a lot of problems with folks. Apologies!
Edit 3: You can use CJB Item Spawner to spawn GW
The list you are asking for, is bascially already there
How do I find the latest update?Don't search this thread directly! Comments here might be outdated. See the SMAPI compatibility list and XNB alternatives list instead, which will link to the latest update (whether official or unofficial).


Both already have unofficial updates in this thread. Not sure how far back, so I guess try searching.

Pathoschild/Mod: Maybe we can get a list of mods that have been updated and a link to the post in the first post? Help at least cut down on the number of people asking for mods that have already been updated.
You can get that list here:


Hi! There's an unofficial update that is compatible with the current version of SMAPI and SDV here. To make compatible with mods such as Stardew Valley Expanded and More Fish (or any other mod that adds new fish into the game), load a game with all fishing mods installed, then go into the Teh's Fishing Overhaul mod folder, delete the fish.json and fishtraits.json files and press F5 to reload the mod, it will then update the mod with the modded fish instead of the default fish. If there's any errors (I've gotten a weird error where I started catching cooking items while fishing for some reason) just repeat the same process once or twice and you should be able to get it working.
I was already using that version and it has this crash on startup:

[Teh's Fishing Overhaul] Mod crashed on entry and might not work correctly. Technical details:
System.MissingMethodException: Method not found : 'TehPers.Core.Json.IJsonApi TehPers.Core.Json.Extensions.GetJsonApi(TehPers.Core.ITehCoreApi)'.
at TehPers.FishingOverhaul.ModFishing.LoadConfigs()
at TehPers.FishingOverhaul.ModFishing.Entry(IModHelper helper) in C:\sdv_mods\My_FishingOverhaul\TehPers.FishingOverhaul\Configs\ConfigMain.cs:line 16
at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.LoadMods(IModMetadata[] mods, JsonHelper jsonHelper, ContentCoordinator contentCore, ModDatabase modDatabase) in C:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\SCore.cs:line 1447

It doesn't work in game at all.


I was already using that version and it has this crash on startup:

[Teh's Fishing Overhaul] Mod crashed on entry and might not work correctly. Technical details:
System.MissingMethodException: Method not found : 'TehPers.Core.Json.IJsonApi TehPers.Core.Json.Extensions.GetJsonApi(TehPers.Core.ITehCoreApi)'.
at TehPers.FishingOverhaul.ModFishing.LoadConfigs()
at TehPers.FishingOverhaul.ModFishing.Entry(IModHelper helper) in C:\sdv_mods\My_FishingOverhaul\TehPers.FishingOverhaul\Configs\ConfigMain.cs:line 16
at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.LoadMods(IModMetadata[] mods, JsonHelper jsonHelper, ContentCoordinator contentCore, ModDatabase modDatabase) in C:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\SCore.cs:line 1447

It doesn't work in game at all.

Odd, it works just fine for me. Use this link and then parse ur error log. Then post the parsed link here


animal sitter unofficial update here
I basically recompiled the code. This is my first time doing this, but I believe it worked. You can give it a try.
about deluxe grabber
remove the grabber on island farm and global grabber doesn't help if the error already appear


In case if anyone is still trying with the deluxe autograbber unoffical update, I finally figured out how to make it work!

The issue is with any old crops planted before updating to 1.5, including indoor crops. In order for it to work, every single plant must be destroyed first before replanting. Then use the setforagerlocation command and everything works as intended. With the only exception of global foraging working on new areas but that's to be expected
Aghh, I didn't download it in time before the unofficial update was taken down!

@Strobe, would you be okay with re-uploading the unofficial update with a "use at your own risk" warning?


I was already using that version and it has this crash on startup:

[Teh's Fishing Overhaul] Mod crashed on entry and might not work correctly. Technical details:
System.MissingMethodException: Method not found : 'TehPers.Core.Json.IJsonApi TehPers.Core.Json.Extensions.GetJsonApi(TehPers.Core.ITehCoreApi)'.
at TehPers.FishingOverhaul.ModFishing.LoadConfigs()
at TehPers.FishingOverhaul.ModFishing.Entry(IModHelper helper) in C:\sdv_mods\My_FishingOverhaul\TehPers.FishingOverhaul\Configs\ConfigMain.cs:line 16
at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.LoadMods(IModMetadata[] mods, JsonHelper jsonHelper, ContentCoordinator contentCore, ModDatabase modDatabase) in C:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\SCore.cs:line 1447

It doesn't work in game at all.
I posted an updated version here, but I don't know what's missing. I know the new farm type doesn't work and just catches junk.



Surprised this one needs any kind of updating given what it does. In any event, the developer is/was active on Reddit as of at least a couple months ago and looks like they were on Nexus back on Dec 1st, so you might want to try tracking him down on one of those places before asking here. Pretty sure he uses the same username on Reddit.
Thanks! I had been watching on Nexus, but I'll check Reddit too. The game crashes on the new island in 1.5 with Spritemaster installed.


With the massive mod update activity that has occurred over the past 7 days, the Mod Compatibility list isn't quite up-to-date.

The growing length of this thread has made searching difficult so I have compiled a list of mods referenced in this thread and where you will find the latest post # info about them within this thread. The reference may not always be an updated file, but will provide reference to relevant info regarding the mod. Remember, the number is the post number in this thread which you will find on the top right of each post.

Always keep SMAPI and Content Patcher updated as well as TMXL and PYTK if required (all updated on Nexus).

A Vibrant Pastoral Recolor #296
Adapt Skin #116
Always On #237
Animal Chooser #376
Animal Sitter #313
Auto Animal Doors #311
Auto Farm Screenshot #157
Better Fruit Trees #118
Better Ranching #113
Cat Gifts #113 #369
Child to NPC #256
Climates of Ferngill #178
Convenient Chests #126
Crop Transplant Mod #341
Daily Task Report #371
Delux Autograbber #408 & #418
Dynamic Night Time #94
Expanded Fridge #119
Experience Bars #273
Generic Mod Config Menu #305
Hilltop Immersive Farm #344
Horse Whistle #65
Huggable Scarecrows #379
Industrial Furniture Set #358
Ladder Locator #377
Line Sprinklers #271
Loved Labels #337
Luck Skill #299
Mi’s & Magimatica Country Furniture #358
Paritee’s Better Farm Animal Variety #62
Plantable Mushroom trees #419
Reset Terrain Features #225
Seasonal Garden Farmhouse v2 #388
Skill Prestige Mod #262
Skull Cavern Elevator #285
Stack to Nearby Chests #94
Stardew Notifications #279
TehPers Fishing Overhaul #359 & #406
Tool Geodes #231
UI Info Suite #61
Vintage Interface Multipack #45
What Are You Missing #113
Witchyfarm #80

I hope that this can help people find what they are looking for. The Mod Compatibility list will undoubtedly be updated when time permits so always refer to that.
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Hi! There's an unofficial update that is compatible with the current version of SMAPI and SDV here. To make compatible with mods such as Stardew Valley Expanded and More Fish (or any other mod that adds new fish into the game), load a game with all fishing mods installed, then go into the Teh's Fishing Overhaul mod folder, delete the fish.json and fishtraits.json files and press F5 to reload the mod, it will then update the mod with the modded fish instead of the default fish. If there's any errors (I've gotten a weird error where I started catching cooking items while fishing for some reason) just repeat the same process once or twice and you should be able to get it working.
Hello, I was very excited to see that MAYBE I could get this to work ... I downloaded the current version and when I went to start, I got this error:
[Teh's Fishing Overhaul] Mod crashed on entry and might not work correctly. Technical details:
System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'TehPers.Core.Json.IJsonApi TehPers.Core.Json.Extensions.GetJsonApi(TehPers.Core.ITehCoreApi)'.
at TehPers.FishingOverhaul.ModFishing.LoadConfigs()
at TehPers.FishingOverhaul.ModFishing.Entry(IModHelper helper) in C:\sdv_mods\My_FishingOverhaul\TehPers.FishingOverhaul\Configs\ConfigMain.cs:line 16
at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.LoadMods(IModMetadata[] mods, JsonHelper jsonHelper, ContentCoordinator contentCore, ModDatabase modDatabase) in C:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\SCore.cs:line 1447

Edit: I found a different unofficial update here:
It worked!
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Deluxe auto-grabber was available, but it didn't work for me for crops. It picked up a few, left most and SMAPI gave me a divide by zero error each morning. I don't use it for forage.