I know some dependencies I just have to make do with waiting for, but there are a few that I really love that don't look as if they're getting any updates soon. If anyone could update them for 1.6, I'd appreciate it immensely!
Paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety (I know there was an unofficial fix for this with 1.5, but it's broken with 1.6. I miss all my cute custom animals ;-;)
Custom Resource Clumps and Custom Ore Nodes (Discoveries in the Depths has become one of my favorite mods for revitalizing the mines and adding some variety. I'd love to have them back for 1.6!)
Paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety (I know there was an unofficial fix for this with 1.5, but it's broken with 1.6. I miss all my cute custom animals ;-;)
Custom Resource Clumps and Custom Ore Nodes (Discoveries in the Depths has become one of my favorite mods for revitalizing the mines and adding some variety. I'd love to have them back for 1.6!)