Windows Uninstall = Need to Purchase again?


Greetings all. My kiddo had a problem with the game, got frustrated, and Uninstalled the whole thing. Now it falls to me to attempt to rectify the situation. Do I have any recourse other than paying for the game again? I have already checked app data folders for any sort of saved info and am having no luck. Hoping some folks with vastly more experience with the PC gaming world can help me out. Thanks in advance.


No, you don't have to buy it again. Do you remember where you got it? Possible options on PC are either GOG or Steam. You'll need to log into your account there and then you can download it again.

The other option would be via the Xbox game pass, which is a subscription. If your kid has that, you should be able to install it again from there as well.


Unfortunately we don't have an Xbox pass and I think they tried to download already but were prompted for payment. We will likely go through Steam next time.


If you can figure out where you got it last time, you don't have to pay again. You just have to download it from the same place. It doesn't have to be the game pass.