Question Underdark Sewer mod and vanilla tileset


Just yesterday i downloaded the unoffically updated mod for the underdark sewers mod (unofficial update listed in the comments section of the mod)
I checked the game, which i have up to date.
I noticed that the mod does work- meaning that the sewers got expanded and there are the extra creatures that follow Krobus.
But it seems that the tileset used is not entirely working

Here below the look of the sewers with this mod-
Since it is an unofficial mod, i presume that the update is not 100% compatible with the latest versions.
I wondered if there was a way to change the rest of the tiles-
If it was possible to "fix" the mod in an easy way (i have never dabbled in modding before, though).
Since the mod does work, at least for the content side, i originally thought that maybe it could be worth it to actually swap the original vanilla tileset for the sewers with the one from the mod- but i am not sure if that is easy enough or even doable.

Does anyone have any clue on how to fix this mod please? i really liked how the sewers looked in the modded version and i would love to be able to play through those-
It would be enough even just to replace the vanilla tileset for me, even without the mod itself, if it's an easier option (i plan to make a backup of the vanilla anyway)



Usually requests like this are in this thread, I think?
I see what do you mean, there are mismatched titles but it might be because you got some graphic mod in the game, like DaisyNiko's Earthy Recolors or some other. Do you have anything of the sort installed? Some mods have graphics compatibility options.
I didn't quite get if if your visuals are vanilla or not, maybe I could use a few more cups of coffee today.


Sorry, yes-
My visuals are not Vanilla, as i do have DeisyNiko's earthy recolour-

I could try to maybe disable it and see if it works, but i thought that deisyniko's recolour didn't affect the sewers-- at the very least, i haven't seen them in any different colour °O°


ok i have tried disabling DAisyniko's recolour, but still gives issues with the tiles
I also do have Way BAck Pelican Town- but i am not sure if that is gonna affect the sewers either


This mod will not be compatible with other mods that edit the sewer tilesheet or sewer map. However, you can always splice two mods together and use this tilesheet on another map, or use another map with this mod!
I also use the Way Back Pelican Town and it also changes the colors of titlesets and iirc this one also got the option to change the compatibility so if you have the generic mod config menu you can also change that. So technically speaking it was designed to work with the vanilla titleset. If you would want to use the Daisyniko's recolour you'll have to manually splice the new titles from the mod. I did something similar with Cave of Memories. It isn't hard but it can be time-consuming, if you are having trouble I don't mind helping you out.


oh! thank you so much for the info!

Sorry to ask, i am really new to all this stuff ahahah ;u; What exactly means to splice a mod?
I do have the generic mod confic menu mod but I am not sure which options i should look into
i was pondering the idea of actually changing the vanilla texture file then (i even tried downloading Tiled and the xnbhack to unpack all the xnb) but i'm very much clueless on all the modding jargon- again, apologies for the trouble 🙈


i was pondering the idea of actually changing the vanilla texture file then (i even tried downloading Tiled and the xnbhack to unpack all the xnb) but i'm very much clueless on all the modding jargon- again, apologies for the trouble 🙈
You don't need any of that. You'll need photoshop or any other image editor of your choice and that's all.

Inside the [CP] Underdark Sewer folder, inside assets, you'll see two .pngs : SewerTiles and sewerfurniture. Make sure to make a backup of these before trying around.
Open the [CP] DaisyNiko's Earthy Recolour folder and find the titles that roughly match the sewer coloring and edit it on the sewetitles and sewerfurniture.


You don't need any of that. You'll need photoshop or any other image editor of your choice and that's all.

Inside the [CP] Underdark Sewer folder, inside assets, you'll see two .pngs : SewerTiles and sewerfurniture. Make sure to make a backup of these before trying around.
Open the [CP] DaisyNiko's Earthy Recolour folder and find the titles that roughly match the sewer coloring and edit it on the sewetitles and sewerfurniture.
I hope i understood this correctly-
So what i am gonna try is open the, let's say, "Festivals" Tileset in the
[CP] DeisyNiko's earthy recolour -> assets -> maps
tile set in photoshop, add the tileset for the sewerTiles and the set for the sewerfurniture
and then save the png, correct?

EDIT: i tried adding the SewerTiles png onto the Festivals tiles ong in daisyniko's recolour, but still is not working--

as an extra info that i noticed: the only tiles that do not work are exactly the ones that come from the original vanilla file. the extra tiles that are in the tilesheet do work properly

EDIT 2: ok the first attempt didn't work, but i tried a debugging method i guess- tried to disable allt he recolouring mods and it did work, so one of those was overwriting the original tileset-
I actually found the tiles in question within the [CP] rustic country town interior, as in for some reason it counted the sewers as interior-
i simply deleted that file (made a back up too) and enabled all the mods. now the mod properly works <3
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