Truffle truffle :)


Little Update:
2 new full upgraded barns are here (not on this screenshot....) "some" new truffle-presses gg
Well . it escalated a little bit... ;)



AhhhhhhhhhhhhHhhhahshapdhdapohfcpozhsoh[huidpofjpgo[jfpasdh!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have the level of production I would love to have!!!! There is still so much I need to do sadly before I can get to that level. Right now I am still working on trying to get slimes for my slime hutch...... I really need to level up my combat. lol Anyway I love this and my goal is to become this!


Local Legend
How did you get so many crystalariums?
They are actually pretty easy to get in the later stages of the game. I'm midway through year 4 and have about 400 or more, but always trying to get more.
Iridium is too easy to get and I just sell it for a little bit of cash nowadays, battery packs are also pretty easy with a lot of solar panels, gold you can buy from clint and the stone you can get by deconstructing starcases created by the crystalariums which means your production of stone compounds as time goes by.


Local Legend
AhhhhhhhhhhhhHhhhahshapdhdapohfcpozhsoh[huidpofjpgo[jfpasdh!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have the level of production I would love to have!!!! There is still so much I need to do sadly before I can get to that level. Right now I am still working on trying to get slimes for my slime hutch...... I really need to level up my combat. lol Anyway I love this and my goal is to become this!
You probably mean for the combat to help you with slimes but if not you should know that killing slimes outside of the designated areas for them (secret woods, mines, SC, Ginger island, etc.) does not grant combat experience.
Good luck.