Personally, I'm annoyed by people screaming for updates.
This developer is essentially releasing updates (major game changing additions) for free. People who are moaning about it are not entitled to anything but the base game. That is all.
Any updates and additions should be considered as bonus content and has never been a "promise" of added content. The game is complete, so to speak. Your specific platform does not give you the right to attack the developer, nor to complain about a game that was considered complete when you bought it.
It's a brilliant game (statistics clearly speak for it) and any additional content should be considered a gift, and not a "right".
Glad I got that off my chest.
Respectfully I disagree with this sentiment. Think about it from the perspective of the mobile user. Due to their platform, they're missing out on:
- An Island, which gives you season-agnostic farming to the tune of 500+ tiles, or basically another 5 Greenhouses.
- Tool and Weapon Enchantments
- An entire extra dungeon
- Increased difficulty modes for both the Mines and Skull Caverns
- New Crops
- New Fish
- New Recipes
- New Equipment
- a New Character
- The Task Board, and through it, 18 new quests, with new cutscenes, and new items as exclusive rewards for them
- Mr. Qi's Walnut Room, and through it, *another* 10 new quests, with exclusive rewards including but not limited to unlocking access to all buildings at all times of day, the Horse Flute, universal storage, and more
Yes, it's *huge*, and wildly impressive, and greatly appreciated, and the fact that it's free is absurd. However to call it game changing is, in my opinion, understating it a bit. Of COURSE Mobile users want access to all of this content. They want the same game that players on other platforms have. Right now, they really don't have that. That being said, it's totally understandable, albeit unfortunate, that it can't be wished into being available for the platform, and it's being worked on and will be released (also for free) when it's ready.
However, my main disagreement is in the idea that folks don't have the right to complain about a game, at any time, and under any circumstances. In my opinion it's important for other players to respect the right of folks to express the ways in which they find games dis-satisfactory
at all times and regardless of their own perceptions of the completeness or quality of the game in question. It's as important, if not moreso, than the developer(s) respecting that right. After all, if we don't foster an environment where folks can express the areas where they find there to be shortcomings, how are the developers to know and improve? This game offers plenty of evidence to the fact that no game is ever 'complete', until and unless the developer decides to stop working on it. Though I sincerely wish CA had charged for some of these major content patches (they are definitely worth it), him releasing them for free doesn't change the fact that it's evidence of good developers working on improving an already great product, and an important part of that process is player feedback, good or bad.
Now that's not to say that I think players are 'entitled' to anything, but saying that they feel that waiting an extra 9+ months for content to be available for the mobile platform is unacceptable is not attacking the developer. Saying that he should hire someone able to get it done quicker if he wants them to support future projects on the mobile platform is good, useful feedback for the developer. Trying to shut down that discourse is, in my opinion, more useless and damaging than their complaining is in the first place. So while I vehemently disagree with any characterizations of malicious intent, conspiracy theories, and the idea that anyone is "entitled" to free content, it is my opinion that the correct way to counter such viewpoints is to express my own, that of admiration and appreciation for the tremendous work and awesome product created by CA. It should be clear (and is if you look at this thread) that the majority of people feel that way. I do not feel that the appropriate way to counter those viewpoints is to try to shut them down or to act as though they don't have the right to express themselves, especially on this, literally a forum for discussion of the game.
Anyway that's my view on it, take it or leave it, obviously with my viewpoint being what it is I don't feel it's my place to tell you what views you can have or should express any more than it is my place to tell them. I'm just doing exactly what I indicated, adding my viewpoint though it diverges. I know it's unlikely that anyone on the internet will ever convince anyone else they should change their opinion, but I do hope you'll at least give this some consideration. Thank you for your time and have a great day regardless.