Tell me what your favourite SDV items are


Staff member
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for reasons beyond me, i am very fond of rainbow shells. they're super pretty, and even though i already have quite a few i just want to keep hoarding them xD


Cranberries. But there's nothing more satisfying than upgrading your watering can or getting sprinklers too. :wateringcan:


I've really gotten into making clothing and experimenting to see what the sewing machine spits out (rather than going by a wiki online. More fun this way). I've had my children running around in medieval helmets and my bearded farmer spending half a year in a wedding veil and genie pants. Poor Husband Shane: if my farmer isn't a test of his sobriety nothing will be.


I love pink cake <3 I think it’s so cute! Also sunflowers and pumpkins- they’re so satisfying to harvest for some reason.
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Green Tea is nice. It's so relaxing to make — it lasts through all seasons, no need to water, with Automate Mod you just breeze through and find yourself relaxing in nice Sheds.


I love artisan goods. I love making and saving them to cash in on a big check. Love mayniose and cheese, goat cheese, wool, wine, jelly, pickles.

I also love shirt 67 - mouse face. It's cute, and I like the shirt and the hat seller mouse. Yes i like to buy a hat poke.

I also like coal and wood. I have like 6000 wood saved up by the end of the year 1 winter or 5-6 stacks of 999 in my chest.

I am pretty simple. I love pancakes for energy, and gold, and cute things.

I also love my cat. I water his bowl everyday.


Pumpkins! And giant pumpkins. But, I also love the bubbling casks. I love all the minerals and gems and hoard them unabashedly. Did I mention pumpkins?


Triple Shot Espresso for sure. Can't live without that +1 Speed anymore. Had to get myself the coffee shirt in-game. Thank Yoba we can't pass out of caffeine overdose in the game.