Switch Switch Multiplayer Glitch w/new update?


Just downloaded the latest switch patch and noticed a weird glitch at the end up the day playing split screen multiplayer. As you can see in the pics, the amount of gold showing for each player is different. Our gold is shared so it’s not that. Different items are showing as shipped for each player, but not in relation to what each of us actually shipped. (More items/gold are showing for the host/my screen on the left, despite these items being shipped by my partner/right side of screen.) Not sure what’s caused this but I’ve never seen this happen before so I assume it has to do with the latest update?


Were the different items sold in a mini shipping bin? This happens to my wife and I whenever a mini shipping bin is used to ship things. It started happening on the first 1.6 update.


Were the different items sold in a mini shipping bin? This happens to my wife and I whenever a mini shipping bin is used to ship things. It started happening on the first 1.6 update.
Yes! Though still seems weird that they were shipped by my partner in the mini shipping bin yet showed up only under my character. At least this kind of solves the mystery. The amount added to our total gold count is still consistent with the higher amount shown under my name, so I guess it’s not the biggest deal in the world .


My partner and I have the same issue despite using the same shipping bin (I think) - though the highest number is always the one that gets added to our total (we have shared money) so agreed it's not game breaking, just strange