
If you are running out an idea how to make this game keep on progressing. Try to experiencing how to plant and harvest, taking care different kinds of animals like chickens pigs horses sheeps how to harvest eggs etc. Do it in real life farming that gives you different kinds of idea by just doing it in real life farming and it helps your mental and physical health. maybe make a mini farm so when you dont feel like working this game because of too much of thinking how to improve this game and you wanna get a vacation why dont you try being a farmer in real life forestry poultry crops etc. maybe that helps you to refresh your thoughts and give you an idea to make this game better and it kinda helps you to relieve your stress from working too much on that game gives you physical and mental exercise. but dont make the game too realistic.

im so sorry for the grammar im not good at writing a proper english sentence im just trying to help thank you for your consideration i hope you read this ConcernedApe thank you for making this game better keep doing what you love and if you are losing motivation you can take a vacation to relax and when you motivated again do it again.