Strange Noise at night......again? (Maybe spoiler?)


(Not sure if this qualifies as a spoiler or not...)

This is kind of interesting. I had the "strange noise at night" event occur, but can't find anything on the farm...

It's probably also important to note that I've also had this event occur already (post 1.5 update) and still have the unbroken capsule inside a chest. I also know it's written in the wiki that this event can only occur once, which is why I am finding it interesting, if somehow I have two of them.

Things I've done in game to see if there was another capsule:
  • walking around every nook and cranny on the farm - didn't find anything
  • checked behind farm buildings + house as well - didn't find anything
  • bombed my entire farm to remove all the trees to check - didn't find anything
  • checked the island farm (wasn't sure if anything could appear there) - but didn't find anything

Can only find one mention of this where it may have happened to someone else on the forums (ex: they heard the sound, but couldn't find anything), but they were on a switch, so couldn't verify in another way. However I'm on a pc, and so I have a few more options. Things I've done outside of the game:
  • Uploaded my save file to the farm planner to inspect the map. Didn't find anything odd aside from the planner showing I have two greenhouses.
  • Uploaded my old save file (previous day) to the farm planner, took a screenshot of both farms and diff'ed them -no real differences aside from a few trees.
  • Uploaded my save file to the predictor -the night events calendar did confirm that there was a chance for the "strange capsule" event on the following night
  • Finally, checked the save file itself for mentions of a capsule, I found two mentions with two positions, one of which is (43, 26) and the other is (0, 0). I'm assuming (0, 0) is the one I have in a chest and using the map planner I can see tile (43, 26) is empty.

Finally, it's also reproducible on demand:
  1. Take the save with the "_old" suffix (the day before) and swap it in
  2. Load that save file in the game.
  3. Immediately go to sleep upon waking up.
  4. The sound plays and event will occurs during the night

Very... interesting? Has anyone had this occur before?
(Not sure if this matters, but I also have an unbroken meteor as well, so I know that sound is very different. I've yet to hear the owl though.)

Fat Link

Do you have any missing animals?

I’ve heard that there’s supposedly another ultra rare night time event where you wake up and discover that one of your animals was taken and killed by a predator during the night.


No, I actually have no animals at all. I'm on summer of year 11 and still have that first "Raising Animals/Build a coop" quest. It would be amusing if it was a "cow being abducted by aliens" event.


You can have the event twice, when you had it before 1.5.3 (at least I think it was 3. The probability got so high in 1.5 that the 'only once per save' got added in a patch, but it doesn't check if you had it before the fix).
I'm not sure why you can't see it, though.

The animals disappearing should be a wolf sound, the owl an owl hooting, and the meteor is a strange explosion. I think only meteor and strange capsule give you a pop-up, the other ones you have to hear.


Oh, interesting. I didn't know it was in one of the 1.5.x updates that the limit was added -had assumed it was in the first 1.5 update.

Unfortunately, I don't know during which 1.5x update I had gotten the first occurrence of the event, so can only assume it must have been before 1.5.3 update. This may explain why the event happened twice: once pre 1.5.3 and now once after 1.5.3.

Now, if only I can find it...


Local Legend
This sounds mysterious. The event of the stone owl happened to me and I hadn't realized. I saw now that this is not common.
Both the Stone Owl event and the Strange Capsule event are rare, yes, but not so rare now that most people won't find one or both in a few years of game time.

They used to be so rare that you if you had one, and especially if you had both, you were suspected of using a spawn-mod to just load them into your game instead of get them through the events.


Local Legend
So i was lucky?
Fairly lucky, yeah. Not so lucky that it brings suspicion of "cheating" like it would have before 1.5, when the bug got fixed.

See, it used to check 50 random tiles, and if any of them were filled, it failed. Crops, trees, weeds, flooring... anything. Imagine that. Just one of those 50 tiles determined randomly, if any one of them had something in it, fail.

Now, it still checks 50 random tiles, but as soon as it finds 1 open, the event succeeds. That means you're still shooting for an under 1% chance every night of having it happen. I know the official chance is 1%, but other events are checked for first, and only one event can happen.


See, it used to check 50 random tiles, and if any of them were filled, it failed. Crops, trees, weeds, flooring... anything. Imagine that. Just one of those 50 tiles determined randomly, if any one of them had something in it, fail.
Not only that, but the 50 random tiles could also include the tiles your house was on, or tiles with ponds, so even if you completely cleared your farm just to get those events, they were still immensely unlikely before 1.5.


Oh, i entered in the skull mine today and found many iridium nodes together, probably 8-9. Was this also luck or is it common? It was my first time that i entered.
Oh, assuming you didn't get very far down, that's definitely super lucky. Actually, that's pretty lucky even if you got to like floor 100ish, if they were right beside each other.


Yeah, I think that's pretty lucky. I'll usually go down to floor 150-200 and I don't recall ever seeing a large cluster of iridium nodes. Seen plenty of gold ones though.


After playing the same day a few times, I'm happy to report that I've finally found the capsule.

It showed up exactly at the coords in the save file and I don't know why I couldn't find it before (I made sure to check that spot too upon waking up every time). But I now two of them in safely in a chest. :smile:

I feel a little bit like Phil Connors/Bill Murray at the end of the movie Groundhog Day.


I also got "A strange sound was heard in the night". It was on year 12. Nothing was different, it didn't sound like a meteorite, and it wasn't a shooting star. After searching all over my farm, it stayed the same. It sounded kinda high, and not like a deep noise (if that makes sense.) I also didn't see anything around the town or bus stop.


Local Legend
I also got "A strange sound was heard in the night". It was on year 12. Nothing was different, it didn't sound like a meteorite, and it wasn't a shooting star. After searching all over my farm, it stayed the same. It sounded kinda high, and not like a deep noise (if that makes sense.) I also didn't see anything around the town or bus stop.
It should be the Strange Capsule, and you'll find it on the farm somewhere.