Linux Steam Deck controls stopped working


My Steam Deck run running SDV now has no controls working except touch screen. Before launching you can select controller source and setup. The first choice is "Official Layout for Stardew Valley - Gamepad With Joystick". It is what I used when SDV was working and I have tried tens of times since. Once gameplay starts the only button on the SD that does anything is the Steam button (which then works fine with the Dpad and all other controls allowing you to Exit the game). The touchscreen works during gameplay, but it does strange things. After pressing the Steam button and going to the top level SDV menu you can also with Dpad go to Controller Settings (inside SDV) and it shows all controls and their connections. It is all correct. But upon starting the game no control (except Steam button) works.


Found a way to solve this one as it happened to me tonight lol. Go back to home and before launching the game, go to the layout settings and change it to "touchscreen mousepad" and restart the game. Once the game launches, you can start pushing the buttons again and it allowed me to go back to the game settings. You'll have to use the touch screen to select stuff and just change the gamepad settings back to autodetect or what your previous setting was. Hope it helps!