Windows Stardrop Registering but no stats boosted or energy refilled


I was exploring through the Mines as you do, when I got to the Stardrop chest on floor 100 (non-remixed mines if that makes a difference). Usually whenever I come across a chest, I press 'E' to auto-inventory the item in the chest as it cancels the chest screen and allows you to continue on with that small time skip. I have never run into a problem with this method until I accidentally used it on this chest. The stardrop regsitered under my character screen, but I did not receive the regular animation screen, the message, the extra energy or the top up on eneregy you typically get when you get one of these. I have since played 10+ days on this same file and have not gotten the increased energy pool, nor did I get any rewards when revisiting the floor 100 chest (which did not respawn, as it technically has registered to my character). I'm slightly concerned if this will impact my run when trying to get the achievement for grabbing all the Stardrops, but it would also be nice to get the extra energy for the early game that I'm missing out on currently and for future runs should I make the same mistake again.