Stardew Combat Calculator


Have you ever wondered how exactly the different combat buffs interact with each other?

Things like crit chance, crit power, gems, rings, enchantments, speed, luck...

Wonder no more.

Here is a site to help you visualize how things work together.
I made it out of frustration that the game does not really tell you, and you need to dig deep into the wiki to get it.


- Stardew Combat Calculator



A few example configurations:

1. dagger, that does 1500 dmg on every 2nd hit
2. galaxy sword, that crits 500 on every 4th hit

I think it's pretty accurate, but I can be wrong. I tried to follow the wiki very closely, but I would really appreciate some feedback on that.

So, any idea or constructive critique are welcome :)

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Does it work with the innate enchants and how they actually function (multiplicative as opposed to additive)?
Hi, most likely yes :)
It's supposed to work according to the description in the wiki.
  • crit chance
    • each level adds 2% in a multiplicative manner.
    • It means even a +3 enchantment (6%) is less powerful than a single aquamarine ring (10%)
  • crit power
    • very-very powerful. it adds to the extra multiplier between 0.5 and 1.5. (opposed to a jade ring which adds 0.1 )
    • It means it's as powerful as 5 to 15 jade rings
  • attack
    • each point adds 3 extra damage
  • speed
    • each point decreases swing time by 10%