Stardew Birthday Converter


Hey! Not sure if this has been made easily accessible/posted by anyone here, but this thread pushed me to do something I'd been itching to do for a while...convert IRL days to in-game SDV days.

The thing about this one is that it's aligned to equinoxes/solstices, not holidays. For example, Spirit's Eve isn't on Halloween here. It's nice, though, for the purpose of knowing when your favorite NPC might have their birthday in the real world or to do some funny astrology stuff like UnsurpassableZand Rinqueen.

Anyways, here it is!


So one could a third way through March and play a single ingame day every 3-4 real days and always be in sync with the seasons :P My birthday in Stardew Valley is in Fall which is to be expected.


Great my bday would fall on a holiday (spirit’s eve) :S no one would want to celebrate being too busy with the pre-festival prep, but I guess I could gift myself a golden pumpkin and call it a day.


Thank you for sharing, my boyfriend and I were trying to find something like this! Just downloaded the Happy Birthday mod and I love accuracy :laugh:

Seems like mine would be Winter 24, funny that was the birthday of my in-game child before I doved her


Hey! Not sure if this has been made easily accessible/posted by anyone here, but this thread pushed me to do something I'd been itching to do for a while...convert IRL days to in-game SDV days.

The thing about this one is that it's aligned to equinoxes/solstices, not holidays. For example, Spirit's Eve isn't on Halloween here. It's nice, though, for the purpose of knowing when your favorite NPC might have their birthday in the real world or to do some funny astrology stuff like UnsurpassableZand Rinqueen.

Anyways, here it is!
Apparently my birthday is on Fall 24th. SAME SEASON AS ELLIOTT LET'S GO-


Spring 9 for me! Let's see for family members... Spring 20 (Shane) for my daughter, summer 6 for my husband Summer 27 for my son.

Hmmm. I disagree with starting the seasons from equinoxes and solstices. They should perhaps center on them. Or put the equinoxe/solstice on 9th or 10th day.
Thank you so much for sharing this, it was such a lifesaver to find! I spent so long trying to figure out how to get my birthday right and the Reddit post I had previously tried really confused me when I did the math (I kept getting 105.3 and was like "The heck, how do I turn this into a date?"). Buuuuuut now I know my birthday would be Fall 15, which is also Sandy's so that's awesome!


Fall 9! I also did it for my sister, who plays Stardew with me because I forced her she wanted to, is Fall 20, which is also Robins birthday. so thats pretty cool.


Mine is Spring 2 though I act like it's Summer 25
Sebbys is Winter 10
Grace's is Fall 14 (year two) (I had the wrong birthday the first time)
Clint's is Summer 8 ( year three and same as Gus)
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How cool, I share my birthday with Linus! 🥳 You'll meet us in the tent, and there will be lots of fresh ice-fish and snow-berries for the guests.