(SPOILER) or not, i don't know

Magically Clueless

Staff member
I feel soooo awful making mayo from the dinosaur eggs. I also don't keep a mayonnaise machine in the coop..I don't want them to see that
if it helps, the eggs are most likely not fertilized so it's just a shell and all that yolky goodness, until you put it in an incubator, when it's magically fertilized

Bark Ruffalo

If it helps, chickens--real chickens in real life--love to eat eggs. Like really, really love it. Most will leave unbroken eggs alone, but if one gets broken in the coop, all the hens will immediately gather around to try and eat bits of it. Many people who keep chickens will supplement their diet with hard-boiled eggs because they're a good source of protein and calcium, and again, the chickens love to eat them. Chickens are evil little omnivores.

If you ever want to see something really scary, watch chickens chase down a mouse or small lizard. Their inner dinosaurs emerge.
Not my chickens. They're awesome and gentle and in no way rude or cannibalistic. :D


Not my chickens. They're awesome and gentle and in no way rude or cannibalistic. :D
Even the gentlest, cuddliest chickens have an inner dinosaur--it's just waiting for the right time to come out! Often that's around snakes:

It would be funny if someone made a "guard chicken" mod for Stardew, where if you locked a chicken out at night you got a couple of dead monsters in the morning.