Some ideas and minigames for the villagers to seem like they are there and not just walking around most of the day


-you know how every season everything is set up and decorated ? well, now there can be a minigame where you can help decorate the town ! With mayor Lewis , you can decorate the town and even pick decorations of your choice
for example : in the fall, you could choose more thanksgiving themed harvesty decor, (like the decor already) or more spooky halloween decor

with villagers you are friends with , you could personally help them decorate their houses for whatever event or season

- For villager birthdays you could make custom birthday cakes with one of their favorite items on top of the cake (Amethyst cake for Abigail, yum.)
depending on the item, it will effect your relationship with them, if you put a poisonous item on top of the cake, they will get sick and your relationship will lower, if you put a hated item they will ban you from their house for a few days (if you give a hated item to someone like Pierre, this means you wont be able to buy anything for a couple of days since you cant enter their shop)

-Villagers could have quests that also have minigames, like milking cows or goats for marni, painting with Leah, (you get to completely customize the painting so you could have a pixelated Shrek as a painting if you wanted) Fishing with Willy, playing football with Alex, Motorcycle driving minigame with Sebastian , mabe even an adventure through the mines with Abigail and she can come exploring almost whenever you want to (but be careful, Abigail too can get hurt in the mines, but luckily you can give her stuff to heal her)

In general , just more stuff to make you feel like you are actually a part of the community, like setting up festivals with the other people of the town and being there in the moment instead of it just being something off screen