Solar Punk Theme

Less of a specific suggestion and more of an aspect of the game I am delighted by and want to see more of, but would love to continue the Solarpunk-esque technology (recycler, solar panels) as time goes on. Recent Chobani ad does a good job of nailing the aesthetic

it would just be such a great fit with the world of Stardew.
Reminds me of Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon

Not gonna lie I have been wanting a sequel of that but only rune factory got the sequels in the west. It was basically a fight against the Joja mentality in Stardew valley terms
Less of a specific suggestion and more of an aspect of the game I am delighted by and want to see more of, but would love to continue the Solarpunk-esque technology (recycler, solar panels) as time goes on. Recent Chobani ad does a good job of nailing the aesthetic

it would just be such a great fit with the world of Stardew.
The video looks very interesting. I think it could be difficult to bring the magic world together with this solar punk elements. For me magic is always a kind of "medieval" thing, where solar punk is more futuristic. But I would love to see this too, even more when cool combined!