Small suggestions for loyal horse, Grover, and window boxes


Thank you, Cthulhu and Alawren! I wanted to add that the reason for the window box request is that I had really liked planting flowers all around the buildings, but without fail, I would manage to pick at least one trying to enter, which drove me crazy, especially with the fairy roses because they take so long to grow, so I stopped. And the apple for Grover request is just because, darn it, he deserves one.


I would love to be able to give my loyal horse, Grover, an apple or a cave carrot once in a while.
Good idea. It was suggested here too:

I'd also love to see a relationship meter built in where as you max friendship with your horse their speed increases, maybe up to 1.25-1.5x.
Evidently you can increase the speed by drinking coffee. Who knew?
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Of course it would be fun to pet, feed, and brush the horses! But I gotta admit, I love it that the horse doesn't need anything from me. My Grovie is a ghost pony, all he wants to do is go go go!
Yeah, I feel that--it would be great if it were purely optional, just a treat and not a source of obligtion--I water my cat (almost) every day it isn't raining, and feel a twinge of guilt when I don't, but it's a nice relief that neither Milo nor I are punished for it.


I'd love to be able to feed my horse! The relationship with him always felt so underdeveloped compared to the livestock and pet ones.

I'd also love to see a relationship meter built in where as you max friendship with your horse their speed increases, maybe up to 1.25-1.5x.
If you can install mods, you may want to check out Upgraded Horse: