Skull caverns whyyyy


So I died in SC at floor 86 at ~8 pm when I literally had an energy tonic selected and just didn't have time to right click. And I lost FOURTEEN ITEMS. Didn't even realize losing that many was possible! And it was a best luck day, too. Needless to say, I reset that day...

Note the 556 salmonberries, 151 sashimi, iridium ore, prismatic shards, cherry bombs, and radioactive ore in the items I lost...

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oh god.... my condolences, that's so much g lost

if you didn't reset your day, what item would you have tried to get?
Hard to say since I did not for one second consider not resetting the day. :laugh:

Maybe the shards? The food is technically replacable by buying salads from Gus, although I'd have to buy quite a lot of salads to actually replace that amount of food. I don't have many recipies that use radioactive ore yet, and I already have an okay number of iridium bars back at the farm. That being said, I'm pretty sure the iridium ore is the most valuable thing, almost 18k gold when converted into bars and sold.
I play mobile and am hoping to get it on my pc but anyways how do you guys get so deep without the day ending. Either I’m just bad at the game or there’s something I’m missing anyways I’m a big fan of the skull caverns and I hope you get you stuff back or at least a lot of gold.


Earlier I died in the Island mines and didn't lose any items. Just thought you should know suck :P

I play mobile and am hoping to get it on my pc but anyways how do you guys get so deep without the day ending. Either I’m just bad at the game or there’s something I’m missing anyways I’m a big fan of the skull caverns and I hope you get you stuff back or at least a lot of gold.
Bombs help a lot, as does explosive ammo (although I'm not sure how usable the slingshot is on mobile). You want to be blowing rocks up as fast as possible and going down. Don't worry at first about getting resources, the rate of iridium increases significantly as you go down the first 100 floors. (After floor 100, it keeps increasing, but slower.)
And no worries, like I said I restarted the day after that happened, because screw that.


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Wow, rude. Don't judge my playstyle and I won't judge yours.

And I don't understand what you mean? Wouldn't a mod like CJB Cheats or whatever give me anything I want? How can resetting the day give me anything I want? They don't seem comparable? Please explain.
(Also, resetting the day is hardly "winning" since I still didn't get what I went into SC for in the first place... )
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Yikes, that’s a pretty brutal loss.
During my first 100 floor run, I used a Pumpkin Soup, bombs and some stairs for the dinosaur and more difficult floors. Luck is involved of course. Even the power of a Lucky Lunch won’t help if the numbers simply aren’t working with you at the moment. However, judging by the Radioactive Ore, Challenge Mode seems to be enabled.

I’m primarily a mobile player myself, and though I play the PC variant once in awhile, I’d yet to unlock Qi’s room.
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Maybe Elenna prefers to play as a game over ?

In most game, when you die, your game is finished and you have to reload the last save...

I too think your comment is very rude. Even if it is cheating in your opinion, it may not be for someone else. And even if it is really cheating, so what ?

I do cheat by using mods that change my game experience (ex: skull cavern elevator) ; that doesn't mean I want to have infinite money that would ruin my game.

I do reset my game when I die and lose important item, because I dislike this game mechanic ; that doesn't mean I want to have an item generator to generate every items I would like.
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I play mobile and am hoping to get it on my pc but anyways how do you guys get so deep without the day ending. Either I’m just bad at the game or there’s something I’m missing anyways I’m a big fan of the skull caverns and I hope you get you stuff back or at least a lot of gold.
I'd imagine the controls on mobile are much harder than PC. So getting to floor 100 is going to be a much bigger challenge.


@toleora Judging or not, your first comment was definitely insulting. I appreciate that your second comment was more "honestly asking about my playstyle", thanks for that.

IMO there's a couple major differences between resetting days versus using god-mode mods:
- Resetting days doesn't allow me to do anything I wouldn't have the skill to do myself. For example, Qi's walnut room can sometimes give you the "hungry challenge" to get to skull caverns floor 100 without eating or drinking anything. I can't do that challenge. (Well, I could do it if I acquired enough stone or jade for 80+ staircases, but other than that.) It doesn't matter how many times I reset the day, I will never succeed in doing that challenge.

- Resetting days is something you can do in the vanilla game, unlike downloading mods. Personally I don't care about this one, mods are fine with me, and it's clear from some things CA has said that he doesn't mind people modding the game. But it is a difference.

- The most important one: Going to Skull Caverns (and resetting if needed) is fun for me. If I wasn't willing to reset, I wouldn't be having fun making risk/reward decisions - I'd just go to Skull Caverns less, because of not wanting to lose all the resources I came in with. (Not so much the ore - more that I don't want to lose all the food, all the money I spent on bombs, and most of a day's worth of time just to get nothing). And going to Skull Caverns less often would make the game less fun for me. OTOH using a mod to make Skull Caverns easier would not be fun for me if it was too easy. It's kind of a distinction between challenge and risk (not sure if that makes sense) - I like having the challenge of having to fight enemies, use bombs effectively, etc to reach my goal, I don't like the risk of losing stuff. (Again, resetting the day doesn't mean I've reached my goal - it just means I haven't lost stuff.)

None of that means I have a problem with people who use mods, by the way. If they find the game more fun by getting rid of fishing, or having different portraits, or adding a bunch of new items, or even adding a cheats menu to spawn in anything they want, so what? It's their game, they're having fun which is the whole point of playing video games anyways, not like it affects me in any way.

P.S. seriously, has anyone succeeded in doing the "hungry challenge" without using tons of staircases? And if so, how??? Do I just need to be way better at fighting or something?


Staff member
Hi @toleora, we'd like to remind you to be respectful of everyone's playstyles. People are welcome to play the game how they wish (including with mods), but just because they're playing differently doesn't mean they're cheating. Keep in mind that resetting a day carries a penalty too, as you lose the real time you just spent on that day.

That said, let's all move on and return to the topic at hand.


Local Legend
You know, it's weird...
Earlier I died in the Island mines and didn't lose any items. Just thought you should know
Twice, recently, I've been doing the "hard mode skull cavern" quest for Mr Qi... and died... once before getting to 100, and once after... and both times, no items lost. I have been... just so, so, SO lucky. The wife accuses me of having just unnatural luck. (This is due to her seeing how well I do in many other games where chance is involved, not just this one.)

I know. It doesn't seem fair. In the past I've had losses like this, and oof... I get you. There wasn't a second I was worried about what I would save because that was a RESET day.