Skin tones in 1.6 update?


Hello. I don't want too many spoilers about 1.6 since I play on console, but I do want to know if any new skin tones were added.

Lew Zealand

It looks like there are the same skin tones in v1.6.3 as v1.5.6. I used a number of different ones with the Shrine of Illusions for Spirit's Eve and other role-playing things in v1.5.6 and there don't seem to be any additional ones in the new version.


Bummer. I was hoping there would be new ones, dark gray in particular, since I play on console and can't use mods.


Local Legend
I believe they are unfortunately all the same ones as 1.5.6, at least to my knowledge, nothing stood out to me in the character creation menu and I usually mess around with the sliders a bunch before picking the same default characyer