Mac Shipping Container Not Selling Items


  • explain the issue (including any pattern you noticed about when it happens);
    • In multiplayer mode. We have experienced items not being sold that were placed into the shipping bin. We place them in to bin before midnight, but if both characters are not asleep before midnight as well, it does not sell most items. Even though we are in bed before 2am. To note, our game play does have us often working after midnight, so not sure if that is just an ironic occurrence. Either way it has happened 5 times throughout our game, and we are on day 16. We are using an invite code, and the it is just the. Main host player, and one other.
  • full error text (if any);
    • No error text, just fault in the gameplay
  • what OS you are using;
    • Mac (both players)
  • in-game language;
    • English
  • single-player or multiplayer;
    • Mutliplayer
  • if you're using controller or keyboard/mouse;
    • Keyboard
  • your version number;
    • 1.6
  • anything else you think might be relevant;

• • This makes me sad