Sewing Machine List of Items Needed For Specific Clothing


Let's be real, If you really want specific clothing you go to check wiki, because It's impossible to know every single combination of clothing, and there is plenty... I think It would add to the game a lot if you would actually see what you need for specific clothing, like in the crafting menu. And also being able to buy clothes from someone (Emily or Haley?) would be awesome.


I don't think that is likely to happen. If you put something in the sewing machine it doesn't even show what you will get except whether it's a hat, shirt or pants. Looks like the surprise is intended.
Furthermore, there are so many different shirts that it would quickly be confusing in a menu.

You can buy random clothes in the desert already.


I don't think that is likely to happen. If you put something in the sewing machine it doesn't even show what you will get except whether it's a hat, shirt or pants. Looks like the surprise is intended.
Furthermore, there are so many different shirts that it would quickly be confusing in a menu.

You can buy random clothes in the desert already.
Not an argument to skip on this idea. This is not how you surprise people. It's rather annoying if you want to dress properly/specifically. If you set a proper UI with categories It wouldn't be so confusing at all.


No, just saying it's unlikely to be implemented.

I'd like it in general if the things you usually have to look up in the wiki where somehow accessible in game. Like fish, at least show me when and where to catch one after I caught it once.

It works on the NPC gifts, so maybe it could work that way for other things?

Probably not a solution to your problem though, since you don't want to make the same clothes several times, I assume.


Local Legend
I'd like it in general if the things you usually have to look up in the wiki where somehow accessible in game. Like fish, at least show me when and where to catch one after I caught it once.
Something kinda like this. It's really annoying to have to rely on what is effectively a strategy guide to do certain things. To be fair I completed the community center on my first try without using the wiki, and it's quite possible to catch most of the fish pretty easily without the wiki, but i'm not just talking about fish here.


Well, the game is receiving QOL improvements already. So there's always maybe. I believe people love the game more when there are answers to their questions in-game and when the game is highly adjustable in the settings and etc... The game reached this all-time high popularity not just because of the regular content, but because of quality content and new implemented mechanics that makes everything more enjoyable. Some games add "content" but fail miserably because that content is not focused on where it should be focused. Let's compare the game to what it was to what it is now. It's great already, but It can be even better with good suggestions being implemented. One thing I heard is that ConcernedApe is listening to people, let's just hope that he's listening for real. I'm not saying my idea is perfect, It's just something you could work on.


Local Legend
He is definitely listening. I've noticed that some of the things in the changelog reference bugs that I personally reported, as well as other bugs and suggestions that have been posted on here recently. I just hope he doesn't overdo it and ruin a good thing, yknow? It's easy to ruin the original charm of a game like this sometimes.


He is definitely listening. I've noticed that some of the things in the changelog reference bugs that I personally reported, as well as other bugs and suggestions that have been posted on here recently. I just hope he doesn't overdo it and ruin a good thing, yknow? It's easy to ruin the original charm of a game like this sometimes.
I totally get you! But talking about clothing, I want to be able to customize myself fast without thinking that much. Suprise mechanics should be somewhere else, not in creating clothing. It's just rather confusing if you want to dress specifically. We're missing out on a lot of good clothing without realizing "oh, turns out I can craft this with that apparently...", I'd rather spend money instead of resources. I would even be willing to buy/acquire knowledge notes/blueprints/books or something like that if someone wants to keep those surprise mechanics in-game. It's just not everyone likes to play the same way. More customization and ways to obtain something is better. And the people choose what is more enjoyable to them. Clothing is a very small part of the game, but It gives a lot to customize our personalities and play the way we like. Of course, I'm glad, that at least It's not locked behind DLC's like in other games haha.


Local Legend
Totally agree with you there. So many games make SO much money off of simple cosmetics these days. It's sickening at times. I tend to dislike alchemy systems in games though (especially if they're out of place, as in they feel like they don't belong), and that's what the sewing machine feels like.


I think the idea of a permanent clothes shop with basic clothes and rotating rare blueprints is a great idea. You could buy basic clothes and dye them yourself easily that way. And maybe buy a catalogue to store the rare blueprints like for furnitures. I definitely feel like I miss out on clothes in the game. On my 1.5 save I wore light clothes during character creation and come winter I wanted to dress differently. I got a nice red hoodie but I couldn't figure pants to go with it just from the wiki. I gave up for a while and by the time it was spring I still wore shorts with a hoodie, pretty bad combo and immersion breaking. So an in game shop with basic clothes of rotating random colors (not all at once, you can always diy dye :), and a "try item" option would be amazing and make the Valley feel more vibrant and alive with a community. Much better than one girl having a sewing machine and visiting the desert far away to be able to buy clothes randomly, and in line with the Valley being self reliant in the lore. Maybe Emily could even own a pasture of sheep with the shop or outsource to Marnie.

PS: we need more pants options, compared to shirts and haircuts which are aplenty.
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I think the idea of a permanent clothes shop with basic clothes and rotating rare blueprints is a great idea. You could buy basic clothes and dye them yourself easily that way. And maybe buy a catalogue to store the rare blueprints like for furnitures. I definitely feel like I miss out on clothes in the game. On my 1.5 save I wore light clothes during character creation and come winter I wanted to dress differently. I got a nice red hoodie but I couldn't figure pants to go with it just from the wiki. I gave up for a while and by the time it was spring I still wore shorts with a hoodie, pretty bad combo and immersion breaking. So an in game shop with basic clothes of rotating random colors (not all at once, you can always diy dye :), and a "try item" option would be amazing and make the Valley feel more vibrant and alive with a community. Much better than one girl having a sewing machine and visiting the desert far away to be able to buy clothes randomly, and in line with the Valley being self reliant in the lore. Maybe Emily could even own a pasture of sheep with the shop or outsource to Marnie.

PS: we need more pants options, compared to shirts and haircuts which are aplenty.
Cannot agree more with you!