Question Searching for These Mods

TGif Gamer

I've created an account on here because I'm looking for mods for this game. A friend and I have gotten into Stardew Valley for the first time over the summer, and more recently modded it with SMAPI. We've managed to get several mods for what we've wanted to do different to the game, but now I'm struggling to find mods that can do these things, in particular (list near the end).

I'm throwing this out here to the dedicated Stardew Valley community to see what may exist and what may still be lacking; any help on one or more of these is greatly appreciated. I've made a sticky note on the desktop of my Windows computer (although we're playing SV on two Linux systems - Linux Mint and a Steam Deck), and here's what all I've got so far. I'll enhance each one with descriptions, so it can be more clear on what I want.

Stardew Valley Mod Search
  1. Fish for all seasons. I mean, I want to be able to catch any fish, any time, easily and efficiently. There's a lot of mods about fishing, but it's hard to find one that does just this.​
  2. Farm animals on Ginger Island. It would be cool to be able to have farm animals on Ginger Island, as well as on mainland Stardew.​
  3. Cinder Shards regained upon unforging. Exactly as it says.​
  4. Gardening "grid", i.e. info on where exactly to plant. We can't tell where stuff is anywhere. Yes, I know about mods that color the ground differently, but we'd like an "open-soil locator", of sorts.​
  5. Make obelisks cheaper. 'Nuff said.​
  6. Better saving. Something like the "Save Anywhere" mod, but the one listed on NexusMods doesn't work in multiplayer for some reason. Maybe I missed an update or something? Here's the one I'm referencing: Edit: Got a reply from the author; they said it won't work, and refuses to make it work.
  7. Get radioactive ores easier. Maybe find it in rocks, even when one of Qi's quests are not active.​
  8. Computer system for Ginger Island Crops. I put a computer on Ginger Island, but it's only telling me about the mainland crops, machines, etc.​

Yes, I'm also the one who complained about Siv's Marriage Mod, but firstly, I had no idea about Looking for Love, also my friend already married someone else, so it's not something we're looking for anymore. If I think of others, I'll make new threads on them.
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