Regarding the Clint/Emily Relationship


Just a request to be able to go through all of Clint’s heart events even if you’ve seen Emily’s 8-Heart event. [Switch,

I wasn’t necessarily aware of the potential Emily/Clint relationship until AFTER I saw her 8-heart event, and given how that ended, it made me want to find a way to get them together. I saw that it is possible to do so, and got excited, but found out it’s not possible after seeing her 8-heart event. It seemed unnecessarily restrictive, especially after looking forward to her 8H event and it ending kinda negatively. Going beyond the 8H event (10+) kinda makes sense having his events unplayable, but right after the 8H one seems like an odd place to turn his final event off. I’ve seen on other forums and other youtube comments that I’m not alone in this idea, but it seems like an incredibly easy fix, and to me doesn’t seem to be in conflict with the ‘canon of relationships,’ I rather think it would amplify the excitement of his final event, given the player may have no desire to move into the dating phase with Emily.

Seemingly petty I’m sure, but you’ve made some great, lovable characters with amazing story arcs, and this specific limitation on their progression seems misplaced and unnecessary. Thanks for the consideration.