Standard Farm Ravenwood Manor (Farm)


Here's a screenshot of my farm: Ravenwood Manor in Year 3, Mid-Spring. The only cosmetic mod used in this picture is called "Novan's Seasonal Grass Path" that, obviously, provides green lawn tiles. Beyond that, everything else uses the game's stock graphics. If you're wondering why I chose to leave some of the big rocks and logs in the pasture, it's because I wanted to have at least some sense of rustic aesthetics for that part of my farm. In this particular game, I ended up with a meteorite landing in the pasture (I think it fell in Spring Year 1 if I remember right), and since it didn't interfere with placing the fence or anything else, I left it there as well. After all, meteors landing in farm fields appear as plot devices in some old sci-fi films, so why not?

The stone cottage I had built near the shipping bin serves as an additional workshop and storage area. I have my seed generators and smelting furnaces inside, along with several chests holding geode minerals and artifacts (in case I want to use any for decoration purposes), and a chest for hats and furniture I've collected from quests and whatnot. And since it came with a second set of tools, I made use of them on days I was having mine upgraded (mainly the watering can on non-rainy days early on).

My crop fields are all laid out 10 x 10 (except the 2 bordering the pond), and each has it's own Junimo Hut and set of Irridium Sprinklers. By Year 2, I have all of them in production, and in Year 3, I grow Ancient Fruit in 9 of them. The 10th plot (the Northeast one partially bordering the pond) I use for growing Coffee Beans in. During the Winter season, I plant Winter Seeds and will use whatever Crystal Fruit I get to make jams/jellies along with some wine just for fun after making sure I make enough Winter Seeds for the next Winter, as well as enough to plant on the last day of Winter. See, I figured out a long time ago that if you plant Winter Seeds near the end of Winter before they can mature, they'll be withered the next day on Spring Day 1. By doing this, it saves me from having to plow the fields with my hoe on the 1st day of Spring, and it also means I don't have to water them either since they're considered plowed just like other tiles with withered crops in other seasons, and are watered by the sprinklers like any other plowed tiles. All I have to do is use the scythe, put down fertilizer, and just start planting. And since Year 3+ is Ancient Fruit and Coffee Beans, I don't have to go visit Pierre to do so unless I forgot to buy fertilizer before the end of Winter. As long as I use Crab Cakes and Coffee / Triple Shot Espresso, I can get everything planted and fertilized in one day, and also have enough time to get the pasture fully stocked with grass as well.

The Pasture has 4 Barns, 2 Coops and a regular sized Shed. My livestock consists of: 36 Goats, 4 Cows, 4 Sheep, 4 Pigs, 12 Blue Chickens, 6 White Chickens, 4 Void Chickens, and 2 Dinos. The Shed in the pasture contains all the cheese presses, mayo machines, and Truffle Oil makers I need to process my animal products, except looms which I only bring out when I need cloth for making clothing. This gives me plenty of Goat Cheese for aging in the cellar (which I collect and restart every Sunday), and any left overs I have can be stocked up for either food for my Skull Cavern runs, or just to sell when it accumulates. As for the mayo, regular cheese, and wool, I usually just dump them unless I need them for recipes.

Finally, the 4 Mega Sheds house preserves jars and brew barrels. The break down there is 3 Sheds are maxed out on preserves jars (I like making jams and jellies over brewing wine), while the 4th Shed is where I brew coffee and, during Fall, will stash wheat for making beer because, why not? I'm not a "total" min/maxxer as far as profit goes, at least not in this game :)

Anyways, feedback welcome :)

- Sigrah



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I really like your farm layout! Though I would say that with a name like "Ravenwood Manor" I expected to see some desaturation mods and that one mod that changes the buildings style to be more Victorian XD


This farm is absolutely gorgeous! :D
It's so simple and organized and I'm glad you posted this (I'm not stealing), it has given me some ideas what I need to add and do.
Especially with the paths since I don't know how to create them.


Damn the organisation is amazing! I love the design. Feels very uniform and satisfying I must say!

The only thing I would change, is the paths between the crops as it allows for a bigger space for giant crops to grow. But if you ain't growing those crops it doesn't matter!

Love it!


Staff member
Looks great! I appricate you sharing your thoughts behind the design :)


Here's a screenshot of my farm: Ravenwood Manor in Year 3, Mid-Spring. The only cosmetic mod used in this picture is called "Novan's Seasonal Grass Path" that, obviously, provides green lawn tiles. Beyond that, everything else uses the game's stock graphics. If you're wondering why I chose to leave some of the big rocks and logs in the pasture, it's because I wanted to have at least some sense of rustic aesthetics for that part of my farm. In this particular game, I ended up with a meteorite landing in the pasture (I think it fell in Spring Year 1 if I remember right), and since it didn't interfere with placing the fence or anything else, I left it there as well. After all, meteors landing in farm fields appear as plot devices in some old sci-fi films, so why not?

The stone cottage I had built near the shipping bin serves as an additional workshop and storage area. I have my seed generators and smelting furnaces inside, along with several chests holding geode minerals and artifacts (in case I want to use any for decoration purposes), and a chest for hats and furniture I've collected from quests and whatnot. And since it came with a second set of tools, I made use of them on days I was having mine upgraded (mainly the watering can on non-rainy days early on).

My crop fields are all laid out 10 x 10 (except the 2 bordering the pond), and each has it's own Junimo Hut and set of Irridium Sprinklers. By Year 2, I have all of them in production, and in Year 3, I grow Ancient Fruit in 9 of them. The 10th plot (the Northeast one partially bordering the pond) I use for growing Coffee Beans in. During the Winter season, I plant Winter Seeds and will use whatever Crystal Fruit I get to make jams/jellies along with some wine just for fun after making sure I make enough Winter Seeds for the next Winter, as well as enough to plant on the last day of Winter. See, I figured out a long time ago that if you plant Winter Seeds near the end of Winter before they can mature, they'll be withered the next day on Spring Day 1. By doing this, it saves me from having to plow the fields with my hoe on the 1st day of Spring, and it also means I don't have to water them either since they're considered plowed just like other tiles with withered crops in other seasons, and are watered by the sprinklers like any other plowed tiles. All I have to do is use the scythe, put down fertilizer, and just start planting. And since Year 3+ is Ancient Fruit and Coffee Beans, I don't have to go visit Pierre to do so unless I forgot to buy fertilizer before the end of Winter. As long as I use Crab Cakes and Coffee / Triple Shot Espresso, I can get everything planted and fertilized in one day, and also have enough time to get the pasture fully stocked with grass as well.

The Pasture has 4 Barns, 2 Coops and a regular sized Shed. My livestock consists of: 36 Goats, 4 Cows, 4 Sheep, 4 Pigs, 12 Blue Chickens, 6 White Chickens, 4 Void Chickens, and 2 Dinos. The Shed in the pasture contains all the cheese presses, mayo machines, and Truffle Oil makers I need to process my animal products, except looms which I only bring out when I need cloth for making clothing. This gives me plenty of Goat Cheese for aging in the cellar (which I collect and restart every Sunday), and any left overs I have can be stocked up for either food for my Skull Cavern runs, or just to sell when it accumulates. As for the mayo, regular cheese, and wool, I usually just dump them unless I need them for recipes.

Finally, the 4 Mega Sheds house preserves jars and brew barrels. The break down there is 3 Sheds are maxed out on preserves jars (I like making jams and jellies over brewing wine), while the 4th Shed is where I brew coffee and, during Fall, will stash wheat for making beer because, why not? I'm not a "total" min/maxxer as far as profit goes, at least not in this game :)

Anyways, feedback welcome :)

- Sigrah

Stone cottage? Is this available from Robin
Here's a screenshot of my farm: Ravenwood Manor in Year 3, Mid-Spring. The only cosmetic mod used in this picture is called "Novan's Seasonal Grass Path" that, obviously, provides green lawn tiles. Beyond that, everything else uses the game's stock graphics. If you're wondering why I chose to leave some of the big rocks and logs in the pasture, it's because I wanted to have at least some sense of rustic aesthetics for that part of my farm. In this particular game, I ended up with a meteorite landing in the pasture (I think it fell in Spring Year 1 if I remember right), and since it didn't interfere with placing the fence or anything else, I left it there as well. After all, meteors landing in farm fields appear as plot devices in some old sci-fi films, so why not?

The stone cottage I had built near the shipping bin serves as an additional workshop and storage area. I have my seed generators and smelting furnaces inside, along with several chests holding geode minerals and artifacts (in case I want to use any for decoration purposes), and a chest for hats and furniture I've collected from quests and whatnot. And since it came with a second set of tools, I made use of them on days I was having mine upgraded (mainly the watering can on non-rainy days early on).

My crop fields are all laid out 10 x 10 (except the 2 bordering the pond), and each has it's own Junimo Hut and set of Irridium Sprinklers. By Year 2, I have all of them in production, and in Year 3, I grow Ancient Fruit in 9 of them. The 10th plot (the Northeast one partially bordering the pond) I use for growing Coffee Beans in. During the Winter season, I plant Winter Seeds and will use whatever Crystal Fruit I get to make jams/jellies along with some wine just for fun after making sure I make enough Winter Seeds for the next Winter, as well as enough to plant on the last day of Winter. See, I figured out a long time ago that if you plant Winter Seeds near the end of Winter before they can mature, they'll be withered the next day on Spring Day 1. By doing this, it saves me from having to plow the fields with my hoe on the 1st day of Spring, and it also means I don't have to water them either since they're considered plowed just like other tiles with withered crops in other seasons, and are watered by the sprinklers like any other plowed tiles. All I have to do is use the scythe, put down fertilizer, and just start planting. And since Year 3+ is Ancient Fruit and Coffee Beans, I don't have to go visit Pierre to do so unless I forgot to buy fertilizer before the end of Winter. As long as I use Crab Cakes and Coffee / Triple Shot Espresso, I can get everything planted and fertilized in one day, and also have enough time to get the pasture fully stocked with grass as well.

The Pasture has 4 Barns, 2 Coops and a regular sized Shed. My livestock consists of: 36 Goats, 4 Cows, 4 Sheep, 4 Pigs, 12 Blue Chickens, 6 White Chickens, 4 Void Chickens, and 2 Dinos. The Shed in the pasture contains all the cheese presses, mayo machines, and Truffle Oil makers I need to process my animal products, except looms which I only bring out when I need cloth for making clothing. This gives me plenty of Goat Cheese for aging in the cellar (which I collect and restart every Sunday), and any left overs I have can be stocked up for either food for my Skull Cavern runs, or just to sell when it accumulates. As for the mayo, regular cheese, and wool, I usually just dump them unless I need them for recipes.

Finally, the 4 Mega Sheds house preserves jars and brew barrels. The break down there is 3 Sheds are maxed out on preserves jars (I like making jams and jellies over brewing wine), while the 4th Shed is where I brew coffee and, during Fall, will stash wheat for making beer because, why not? I'm not a "total" min/maxxer as far as profit goes, at least not in this game :)

Anyways, feedback welcome :)

- Sigrah

A stone cottage that comes with tools? Including an axe?? Did you get that from Robin? I lost my axe, which does not appear to be recoverable, but I'm using the mobile version made for Tesla which is, different. I don't see a stone cottage :(


the Stone cottage is available at robin's but not on mobile as it is for multiplayer which is not available on mobile:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
Stone cottage? Is this available from Robin

A stone cottage that comes with tools? Including an axe?? Did you get that from Robin? I lost my axe, which does not appear to be recoverable, but I'm using the mobile version made for Tesla which is, different. I don't see a stone cottage :(