Randomize Golden Coconut Items


I have come across an issue where golden coconut items are not random even though i've not bought them yet. I get that geode items are assigned when they hit your inventory, but when you buy the golden coconuts from the island trader, they have not hit your inventory yet. So, if you buy them, and dont get the items you are looking for, you should get totally new items when you reset your day and buy them again. I've bought the same 10 golden coconuts on different days, and have gotten the same items each time in order of breaking them open. This is really crappy especially since you need an artifact skull from them to complete the island tent quest to get your ostrich incubator. These items should give you a different assortment when you break them open. Them behaving like this means the items in them are assigned when you create your game which is really bad.


If you open other kinds of geodes first, your coconuts will contain different items.

All geode types share a "geodesCracked" number, which is used in generating geode contents.


Geode items aren't assigned when they hit inventory either.

It doesn't depend on the day you open it buy them, but in how many (of any geode) you have opened before.
It's based on a seed as the others have said. It's just like the geode, weapon enchantments, and artifact troves.

The creator probably did this to discourage scum saving. The practice of creating a save before a random number generator event and the reloading after event until desired outcome takes place.