Each question will be numbered. When answering please put the number of the question in front of the answer.
I do not care much about your answers. I care about how ready you are to defend them.
1. If I offered you eternal youth, free, no strings attached. Just eternal youth.
Would you take it?
2. Would you rather be smart or strong?
3. Would you rather love or be loved?
4. What of the following do you find the most valuable: knowledge, selflessness, bravery, kindness, or honesty?
5. Would you rather be the richest person in the world but never be free, or the poorest person in the world but be free?
6. Would you rather hurt or be hurt?
7. Would you rather your best friend dies or nine strangers?
That is all for now but I will be adding more.
Judge me when you're perfect.
I will do my best to answer any questions you have.
I will tell anyone who will listen about my God as he is my King and Lord.
1. That would be nice! It sounds like an adventure to me. I am going to explore the world from one era to another, witnessing every events and tragedies.
2. Smart is preferable, since physical activity is not my thing.
3. I don't really care about it. I am just grateful that someone and something I care are alright, and I don't care if someone loves me or not. It's just something I can't control, it's just there naturally.
4. I find myself that each of those five are needed in the right amount. Not too few, but also not too much.
5. If it's about money, I rather be poor but free. What's the point of being rich, but not able to do the things you like?
6. Of course, be hurt, though I won't back myself down from biting back.
7. I can't let the nine strangers die, moreover I can't live with my friend knowing that we just killed nine people we don't know for personal reason.