QOL: Changes to combat mechanic for keyboard and mouse


The aim method with the mouse currently requires you to keep the mouse close to your character in order to change the direction of his attack without having to press a movement key. This range needs to be extended to like at least half of the screen dimensions. Also, if the cursor is too close to the character, you cannot use it to change direction, meaning you have to find a very narrow donut whole to move the cursor into before it can be used effectively for aiming. For the center position, the cursor should be able to work as if drawing a line from the center pixel of the character. It may even be helpful to put up a faint line between that pixel and the cursor until the cursor is moved outside of the aiming range. In this case, a range of about 5 tiles would be fine. The line tells the player if the cursor will affect action direction as well as what direction.

One reason this is a problem is that the cursor only moves with the character up until the edge of the level reaches the edge of the screen. Then the character starts moving towards the edge of the screen and you have to keep up with your cursor while in combat. This has issues with planting seeds as well, so fixing the direction of action for regular actions as well as combat will have a duel benefit. Maybe keeping the character in the center of the screen regardless of how close they are to the edge of a map or level would be nice as well.