Windows Potential Death Bug?


Let me preface that I'm not entirely sure if this is a bug or glitch.

Anytime I've died, no matter what save it's on, no matter WHERE it is or what has killed me, I encounter the same thing- every time. My player falls, screen fades to black, ". . ." text box appears and clicks away. But after this routine, my screen STAYS black. My cursor moves around fine, so I know it hasn't frozen or crashed. Portions of the black screen (usually around my hotbar) will even make noises when clicked. I can still hear the consistent ambient noise of whatever setting I was in when I died. But, I'm never given the prompt to wake up.

I wait for several minutes, and still nothing happens. I click around, I hit the keys, nothing. All up until I give up on the waiting, sigh, and give up on that in-game day by ALT+F4'ing the game.
*There was a time this happened some months ago during a stint in the Skull Caverns, and I picked up an Auto-Petter. I lost it thanks to this death thing, and I never found one again on that save.

I've heard of some tell that it's just a lag with the system processing how much stuff you lost, but I've never seen any change from it, even when I've been low level and didn't have much to lose in the first place. It's always been consistently this issue, and I've never encountered any other "bugs" within my game. I don't mod, I don't play on an older computer, it's definitely a game issue.

Is this REALLY a bug? Or is it just that good ol' processing lag? If the latter, WHY would it take several minutes to process, when other players are able to get back up instantly?

Lew Zealand

Hi LeonemMorsu and Welcome to the Forums!

That doesn't "feel" like processing lag. I play on a wide variety of systems including 14 year old laptops, and I don't see more than a moment's delay for most things though to be honest, I don't remember the last time I died while playing on the older machines. I've been using it recently for other things, maybe I'll try just to see.

In any case I would try to delete and reinstall Stardew Valley if you can. Your saves should be retained but they are here if you want to copy your whole Saves folder to another location just for safekeeping:


I've had game bugs in other games fixed with a reinstall and at least Stardew Valley is a small game, it's not like reinstalling Ark at 300GB or something.

*There was a time this happened some months ago during a stint in the Skull Caverns, and I picked up an Auto-Petter. I lost it thanks to this death thing, and I never found one again on that save.
Ugh, I lost my one and only Autopetter on my main save thanks to finding it early in the run and getting greedy. Which 3 Flying Serpents quickly took care of for me. I didn't get the option to recover it from Marlon and now his hair has an oddly smooth sheen. 🤔 Probs just a coincidence.

Lew Zealand

OK I just tested on a 14 year old MacBook Pro and was daintily nibbled to a pulp in Skull Cavern on Level 2 by a Flying Serpent while I was patiently waiting for a Purple Slime to finish its dyejob on my hair. And the delay was less than a second before I woke up in Dr. Moustache's Clinic at the eyewateringly early time of 7:40am, before he even got downstairs somehow! And then slams the door in my face as I exit as I can't re-enter. This whole game is very rude sometimes.

Please reinstall and hopefully your delays/crashes will be fixed afterwards. It's also possible that there's a problem with your individual save file but that's just a guess and I don't have much insight into whether this can either be diagnosed or fixed. Let us know if the reinstall works and if not, perhaps @MysticTempest has some advice about your save file.