Please Help


I was playing today and talked to Sebastian and he cursed. ): part of the reason that I play this game is because it's not inappropriate. I don't mind but please take away that dialouge.
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Bark Ruffalo

I was playing today and talked to Sebastian and he cursed. ): part of the reason that I play this game is because it's not inappropriate. I don't mind but please take away that dialouge.
You realize if you are asking for that then it will affect everyone, right? I'm sure there's a mod for that.


it was only an exclamation with a cus. I personally don't care if there are cusses but I prefer games without them. It was the D word. so not very bad but still.


I guess I feel dubious about this. PG movies contain words like "d**n," don't they? In addition, there are plenty of inappropriate things in this game as far as small children are concerned, such as people messing around with each other in bushes, and finding and bringing underwear to people who have been been messing around with each other. Sebastian himself is rather inappropriate, as he hates nearly everything and is in heavy, overt rebellion against his father. He also smokes. (Way inappropriate!) Abigail is in rebellion against her mother and does whatever she wants to do. Sam is lazy, Vince is neglected by his father, and Kent is seriously screwed up from combat. Haley is self-absorbed. You can take weird druggie "trips" on substances (the special fruit) that give you special powers, which is no better an example than the housewives of my youth taking uppers and downers, raising a whole generation of heroin addicts. Or you can visit Emily and let her take you on a psychedelic trip. One of the villagers is a habitual drunk, and that gets pretty ugly. One is an old alcoholic seemingly past redemption. One of the villagers seems to encourage homelessness. (Don't like the world? Just cop out and go live in a tent). And slimes, well, slimes breed like bunnies. So are you really sure this is a game that we want to be made appropriate for small children?


Most 'small' children wouldn't play for long anyway. They love to spend money and have no patience at trying to earn it. They do not plan well and become frustrated easily.

I decided to allow my ten year old granddaughter play it, but even she spent all her money very quickly then decided it was too boring having to wait for the crops to grow, or trying to learn to fish, etc. And no, she is not a genius, but she does well in school and is at least average intelligence for her age.


I guess I feel dubious about this. PG movies contain words like "d**n," don't they? In addition, there are plenty of inappropriate things in this game as far as small children are concerned, such as people messing around with each other in bushes, and finding and bringing underwear to people who have been been messing around with each other. Sebastian himself is rather inappropriate, as he hates nearly everything and is in heavy, overt rebellion against his father. He also smokes. (Way inappropriate!) Abigail is in rebellion against her mother and does whatever she wants to do. Sam is lazy, Vince is neglected by his father, and Kent is seriously screwed up from combat. Haley is self-absorbed. You can take weird druggie "trips" on substances (the special fruit) that give you special powers, which is no better an example than the housewives of my youth taking uppers and downers, raising a whole generation of heroin addicts. Or you can visit Emily and let her take you on a psychedelic trip. One of the villagers is a habitual drunk, and that gets pretty ugly. One is an old alcoholic seemingly past redemption. One of the villagers seems to encourage homelessness. (Don't like the world? Just cop out and go live in a tent). And slimes, well, slimes breed like bunnies. So are you really sure this is a game that we want to be made appropriate for small children?
Ive never seen a pg movie with D***


Bad language is very subjective and what one may find offensive others may not and it's very regional based.

I think one word in the whole game that's not really the bad is fine and won't affect anything or anyone.

No one can stop anyone from hearing bad language. It's part of life and nothing can stop that. The rating is fine imo.


I don't think that the smoking is bad. It doesn't actively encourage the player to do it, and there dialogue options in which the player can tell Sebastian it's bad for him. Also, if you don't want your kid to see that, look for a mod that overrides that dialogue.


I just looked under his quotes on the Wiki and didn't see any dialogue with the word "damn" in it. What were the conditions in which he said that?


Stardew Valley went under the review of the ESRB, and ended up being rated E10 and up. "Mild Language" is labeled on there. So it is up front about this small bit of language.


The information is provided in clear view by the ratings boards for a given nation, allowing the parent or guardian of the consumer to make the choice if the game is appropriate or not. This type of information cannot be construed or masked in anyway. All video games have this labeling.

You can see this yourself on the website's front page, at the bottom:

You can learn more about the rating system for a given nation via a google search.
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I have also seen Seb say, "Damn." I think it is a newer dialog from one of the updates.

And yes, PG movies can say damn. PG stands for parental guidance, meaning there will be content that some people will not approve of. If you are one of those people, then don't allow your kids to play the game. There are a million games out there, find ones that you think are suitable. When they are older, they can always come back to Stardew.