1.6 Update Petition to bring back Dynamic Seeds


I created an account for the sole purpose of contributing to this petition and encourage CA to consider dynamic seeding as a feature of the game, and not a bug. Coincidentally, I had been working on the same project as Blade for version 1.5 before switching to other projects right before the 1.6 release, and now coming back to the game. Dynamic seeding was absolutely instrumental to the project and offered me a ton of pleasure experimenting with all the possible strategies and finding seeds that enabled them each and every game day. If only for the people with that pleasure to tinker with the game code, please reenable this.


Is that with multiplayer? I remember someone running a spring cc doing something similar but to a lesser extent
That was me. In retrospect, multiplayer was probably just a handicap because we couldn't pause time and because we couldn't reset as liberally as I could have if I were doing it myself. The three friends playing with me were very casual players who were just following instructions the best they could, so I couldn't really expect perfection. I also didn't clay farm because I didn't want to. This means we completed it on Day 15, which I'm happy with, but I'm excited to see BlaDe beat it.

Needless to say, I am also disappointed by the removal of dynamic seeding and very much want it to return.


Local Legend
Single player.

I had it routed on 1.5 for Spring 14, but didn't get it started before the update hit.
Fascinating, I'll keep an eye out for it

That was me. In retrospect, multiplayer was probably just a handicap because we couldn't pause time and because we couldn't reset as liberally as I could have if I were doing it myself. The three friends playing with me were very casual players who were just following instructions the best they could, so I couldn't really expect perfection. I also didn't clay farm because I didn't want to. This means we completed it on Day 15, which I'm happy with, but I'm excited to see BlaDe beat it.

Needless to say, I am also disappointed by the removal of dynamic seeding and very much want it to return.
Ah nice, that makes sense then