Personal Note for Exiting and Re-Entering the Game


Problem: I find that often I grind Stardew and make a ton of progress, but then have a weekend away or a week where I can’t hop on. then when I come back to the game I have to spend some time remembering all the bits of tasks I may have been in the middle of such as buying more crops, upgrading tools, completing a quest, etc.

Solution/Feature: In the exit game menu with the “Exit to Title” and “Exit Game” buttons, add a small note icon that allows you to leave yourself a note that’s simple like windows notepad (but obviously styled for Stardew UI). Whatever you write in there is then displayed to you when you log back in immediately almost as a reminder. You could even make it appear in your mailbox outside, but personally I think the idea of it being a sort of “post-it note” that is displayed as you log back in is better.

Current Features: Right now you can somewhat do this using a sign, but I think this provides a much better experience and use case.
Problem: I find that often I grind Stardew and make a ton of progress, but then have a weekend away or a week where I can’t hop on. then when I come back to the game I have to spend some time remembering all the bits of tasks I may have been in the middle of such as buying more crops, upgrading tools, completing a quest, etc.

Solution/Feature: In the exit game menu with the “Exit to Title” and “Exit Game” buttons, add a small note icon that allows you to leave yourself a note that’s simple like windows notepad (but obviously styled for Stardew UI). Whatever you write in there is then displayed to you when you log back in immediately almost as a reminder. You could even make it appear in your mailbox outside, but personally I think the idea of it being a sort of “post-it note” that is displayed as you log back in is better.

Current Features: Right now you can somewhat do this using a sign, but I think this provides a much better experience and use case.
I don't need this for my own games. But I could image it's a nice feature when you share a game with someone.

Lew Zealand

I like this idea for maintaining your focus in game, however it's not for me personally as I tend to get into ruts wayyy too much. So I find coming back a few days later and "starting fresh" with no plan to keep the gameplay more varied and interesting.

It's important knowing how to leverage having a bad memory.