[PC]Can local split-screen co-op be configured?



I'm playing a farm with my two kids on one PC. Is there any way to configure how the split screen is done? For example, can the 2nd or 3rd player be assigned the half of the screen instead of the 1st player?

I also made the mistake of making my character the main one. Sometimes my kids want to play together on their own but there seems to be no way of loading up the secondary characters without playing with the main character as well (taking up valuable screen space).

Am I overlooking some obvious configuration file where these settings can be adjusted?


Staff member
This is not currently possible. If your kids want to play together they could create a new farm where one of them is the host.


Local Legend
OK thank you. Do you know if these are the sort of things that can be configured through the mod interface?
Okay, so I'm not a mod person. I play vanilla. However, I have it on good authority that a mod can indeed allow you to change who is the primary...

However, what I might recommend? Have them start a second save for just the two of them. They play the one where you're primary when you're around, and they learn how to do everything... and then they play one where they apply what they've learned without your help. Then they can each start up another single-player save where they take what they've learned from both of the previous games and do their own thing. Maybe those single-player saves are actually multi-player, and you're a farmhand in all of their saves just because you want to be able to check in (because you're their parent).

I mean, if you want to let them play without you... may as well let them run free, right? It's not like anything in the game is to risqué, you know?


Thanks for your suggestions. I should have made the primary player the older kid so she could always start a session even if I'm not around.

I don't mind them running free without me in their own save, it was more to avoid stressful situations (older one just started reading, the younger one is 3...). What would be awesome if it was was somehow possible to keep your "player" history as you move between saves, but Stardew Valley doesn't seem to be orientated around this concept. In any case, we made another save with just the two of them and it seems to be working out.

Anyways, thanks again for the ideas.