opinion on the fisher pan


So i enchanted my pan for 1 for generous and my other iridium pan was fisher, fisher is pretty useless out of many tests I only got 1 fish a bream, so what is your opinion on the fisher inchantment of the pan?


Local Legend
Yeah it is pretty useless, it's only real use is getting duplicate legendary fish though that's more likely than not a bug and rather niche. Still a fun option to have if you do want to have the legendary fish for every use possible (regular, smoked, turned to roe, in a fish pond, in a fish tank)


Legendary fish cannot enter fish ponds. Only Fish TANKS.

Also, to get their roe, you don't do that through the Pan but rather, through your fishing rod and a treasure chest appearing (chance only, not certainty), provided that you have read the book "Jewels of the Sea", first!