Odd errors since the update


This is PC, Win 11.

I have updated and patched the game to 1.6.2

When starting, after several seconds, an instant before the game launches, I get a final error in orange,

While I bought the game through GOG I never used their Galaxy client, preferring to keep it all manual. I never got this error before so why I am getting it now is unclear. It is not affecting the game itself so far as I can see.

Of more concern is Expanded Preconditions Utility. Smapi wants me to update it from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2-alpha at Nexus https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/6529
That location still has only 1.0.1 so far as I can tell, and smapi.io shows no other source

Finally, of no consequence whatsoever, on another board I read daily is a user, Smapti. He (judging by the avatar) has no known connection with SDV