Nintendo Switch: Seed Cracker and Predictor


Hello! I have created two new tools for the Nintendo Switch version of Stardew Valley:
These also work for PC, but if you can access your PC save file then you are probably better off using MouseyPounds' amazing Stardew Predictor.

My future plans include:
  • Adding 1.6 support when the update comes to consoles.
  • Adding support for other platforms (although I wouldn't be surprised if some work already).
  • Adding more events to the predictor.
I hope some people find this useful :)

Please let me know if you notice any bugs, incorrect predictions, etc.


Local Legend
Not a switch player but this is awesome, a person I know spent some time figuring out the clay and winter forage tilling patterns for switch lately too, really nice to see some work put into what's often considered the oddball platform


Not a switch player but this is awesome, a person I know spent some time figuring out the clay and winter forage tilling patterns for switch lately too, really nice to see some work put into what's often considered the oddball platform
I wholeheartedly agree. These companies crush the creativity of modders and deny their works to be shared with all. Apple does it too. Apple’s devices are fully capable of running several high end mods, because I run them on my IPad through Steam Mobile. But again, for whatever reason they deny these artists their ability to share their creativity with more people. Good for you for cracking the code! 🤩🫶


Local Legend
I wholeheartedly agree. These companies crush the creativity of modders and deny their works to be shared with all. Apple does it too. Apple’s devices are fully capable of running several high end mods, because I run them on my IPad through Steam Mobile. But again, for whatever reason they deny these artists their ability to share their creativity with more people. Good for you for cracking the code! 🤩🫶
I agree but to be entirely fair, it's your pc running the game, the mobile device is simply displaying and acting like an advanced controller for the computer.

I would love to see some more lenient measure come to apple though, it seems the EU is doing some great work when it comes to that.


I agree but to be entirely fair, it's your pc running the game, the mobile device is simply displaying and acting like an advanced controller for the computer.

I would love to see some more lenient measure come to apple though, it seems the EU is doing some great work when it comes to that.
That’s what my IT husband keeps reminding me lol. But they are pretty powerful on their own. I think they could handle smaller mods at least on their own. Would take up a lot of space though.


Local Legend
That’s what my IT husband keeps reminding me lol. But they are pretty powerful on their own. I think they could handle smaller mods at least on their own. Would take up a lot of space though.
Oh yeah absolutely, modern smart devices are pretty insane, I'm shocked at the things my phone can do, easily more powerful than the everyday pcs that existed when I was young.


I'm pretty sure it isn't that the iOS cannot handle mods, it's that Apple doesn't want to give people the capability. Apple is very big on controlling what the user is allowed to do, and they're very focused on making sure that it is as little as possible.

Not a switch player but this is awesome, a person I know spent some time figuring out the clay and winter forage tilling patterns for switch lately too, really nice to see some work put into what's often considered the oddball platform
Oooooh .... okay, I always said I didn't need to clay farm, but I admit that knowing that it's possible is intriguing.


Local Legend
I'm pretty sure it isn't that the iOS cannot handle mods, it's that Apple doesn't want to give people the capability. Apple is very big on controlling what the user is allowed to do, and they're very focused on making sure that it is as little as possible.
Oh yeah we know that lol, we were just saying that the devices absolutely could run mods, we agree that computing power isn't the issue
Oooooh .... okay, I always said I didn't need to clay farm, but I admit that knowing that it's possible is intriguing.
No time like the present, more likely than not it'll be removed in 1.6 so use it while you can


Hello! I have created two new tools for the Nintendo Switch version of Stardew Valley:
These also work for PC, but if you can access your PC save file then you are probably better off using MouseyPounds' amazing Stardew Predictor.

My future plans include:
  • Adding 1.6 support when the update comes to consoles.
  • Adding support for other platforms (although I wouldn't be surprised if some work already).
  • Adding more events to the predictor.
I hope some people find this useful :)

Please let me know if you notice any bugs, incorrect predictions, etc.
The predictor is awesome and thanks for making this for the switch because there is so little resources for the switch!
Can you make the predictor able to predict bubble locations and times for the switch! That would be so helpful for me!! Thanks again!


The predictor is awesome and thanks for making this for the switch because there is so little resources for the switch!
Can you make the predictor able to predict bubble locations and times for the switch! That would be so helpful for me!! Thanks again!
I will add this to my todo list :)