1.6 Update New item now makes reaching floor 100 in skull cavern at 6:00AM possible

1.6 adds a new item called a tent kit which places a tent in a 3x2 area. Tent kit acts similar to a cookout kit but instead of allowing you to cook anywhere it allows you to sleep anywhere. It only works outside and cannot be used indoors (indoors includes skull caverns and the mines). Unlocking the recipe requires initial foraging level 8 (food buffs cannot be used).

Getting to floor 100 at 6:00AM would mean no change in time (this means 6:00AM doesn't change to 6:10AM). It is just waking up and then reaching floor 100 without time changing (Time remains as 6:00AM when you wake up from sleep and get to floor 100).
Floor 100 at 6AM.png

With the new tent kit added in 1.6, I've also "slightly" modified my chair hopping setup. Stone paths are outline for tent size. The stone walkway path is there to indicate where I'd wake up at.

1.6 new chair hopping setup.png

Reaching down requires chair hopping, pause buffering, a tent kit and just hope you don't come across too many rock nodes along the way. Pause buffering guide here. This took several attempts.

For the tent kit, you wake up at the entrance of the tent and do what you have in mind for the day just as you wake up from bed at the farmhouse. Ignore the chairs at the right of the stone path rectangle I did not use those. The ones at the left are the ones I've used for chair hopping (it is just three chairs).
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