New fruit trees


I kind of want new trees to plant on the farm that grow new fruits , trees like uuhhh these

Lemon tree
Lime tree
Green apple tree
Pink lemon tree
Pineapple tree
Olive tree
Avocado tree
Pear tree
Fig tree
Plum tree
I kind of want new trees to plant on the farm that grow new fruits , trees like uuhhh these

Lemon tree
Lime tree
Green apple tree
Pink lemon tree
Pineapple tree
Olive tree
Avocado tree
Pear tree
Fig tree
Plum tree
Okay, to start, some of these could be implemented, such as the plum and pear, though several of the trees you mentioned are redundant to others previously made or mentioned. Pink lemon trees and green apple trees in specific are both unnecessary since there is already an existing apple tree and you already suggested a lemon tree. Pineapple trees are entirely redundant because there is a late-game crop that grows pineapples. You can only acquire this crop on Ginger Island after completing the Community Center. I think that some of these trees could be implemented, though they seem slightly unnecessary.


WhiteEagle12 has mentioned which would be unnecessary, but more products, including such tree fruit trees and what could be made for cooking with them, is always fun to play with.
The more crops, trees and such would be implemented, the more we can do in SDV, especially if they're gonna be more useful than JUST cooking(like cooking dishes that have nice buffs and/or healing, close to Fruit Salad, maybe?) and such in mid/late game.

Early game i'd like to see Stamina/Health-only consumables, so one of these trees could be useful for that.
Those are more balanced, as they'd restore one of the two instead of both, but not weak, so that common stuff like Green Algae and such wouldn't be more useful than them.
And using some for new quests would be cool, like more furniture and such as rewards, making late(r) game not being too bland.