Name Change

Tony Soprano

I’ve been playing Stardew Valley for a long while, and I’ve always wished there was a way for your farmer to change his/her name without exploits, especially because I play on the xbox one. I understand it seems like a weird feature, but I’m on year 3, and I hate the name I chose when I started it. I think me, and a lot of other fans would benefit from a way to change our character’s name! Also, since the item code glitch was patched, a couple of my friends are stuck with numbers for names, and they don’t feel like restarting so far in! I know it’s mostly a quality of life type of suggestion, but it honestly makes sense to me, especially when you can change your appearance for gold with the Wizard! Thanks for considering the idea!


I’ve been playing Stardew Valley for a long while, and I’ve always wished there was a way for your farmer to change his/her name without exploits, especially because I play on the xbox one. I understand it seems like a weird feature, but I’m on year 3, and I hate the name I chose when I started it. I think me, and a lot of other fans would benefit from a way to change our character’s name! Also, since the item code glitch was patched, a couple of my friends are stuck with numbers for names, and they don’t feel like restarting so far in! I know it’s mostly a quality of life type of suggestion, but it honestly makes sense to me, especially when you can change your appearance for gold with the Wizard! Thanks for considering the idea!
I really like this idea. That would be an amazing feuture !