Name at least 1 thing you like most about the new Stardew 1.6 update!


Local Legend
They are so much fun! Short-lasting as they may be, knowing the physical limits of the game feels like Qi-level wizardry to me, we are breaking the physics of what's expected of the world in ways that potentially benefits (or even harm) us. The optionality of these bugs means you can always avoid them if you find them dangerous or dishonorable to do, but it opens up a new realm of playstyle that fundamentally changes the way you interact with the game (should you choose to).

I particularly liked some of the divorce bugs where divorcees just get out of bounds and then figuring out a way to "rescue" them out using workarounds and ultra-stalking tactics (to figure out where they are out of bounds and when they have a chance to be within bounds again).
Yeah totally! Even finding fixes to issues is fun, it's a change to the gameplay that even if not intended can allows for some fun while it lasts


The chance to start with chickens and blue grass.
Price tickets.
The iridium scythe is a game changer on mobile, now if only I could find something to sow my seeds without tapping 300 times.
The power books.

I don’t particularly care for the raccoons, because it takes too long between quests, then they want something I don’t have and I forget they exist.


I agree with a lot of things other people have said, but also gonna chime in with prize tickets. As a compulsive help-wanted-checker and special-order-fulfiller, getting fabulous prizes like fruit tree saplings and kegs and whatnot for my troubles is awesome. Mystery Boxes are a lot of fun as well, and once I get them in any given run I almost always don my mystery shirt, give my mystery hat to my trusty steed or faithful hound, and slap the mystery wallpaper in my keg shed along with some blue flooring.
I must admit that prize tickets made me accept more quests from villagers.


-Prize tickets, Help Wanted requests feel much more rewarding now
-The Desert festival, one of my favourite festivals now, especially love Emily and Sandy's little outfit services and the chef
-Craft table
-The new meadowlands farm
-New NPC dialogue for certain gifts
-WINTER OUTFITSSS!!!, Sam looks so adorable in his winter outfit especially, and also Haley <33
-The mayo easter egg heheh
There's sooo many more thing I love about this update, but these are all I could think of
EDIT: can't forget to mention the green rain event omg, all the dialogues are so interesting and add some more depth to the game
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