Name at least 1 thing you like most about the new Stardew 1.6 update!


Ok we have so much frustration, hurt feelings, things we are upset about in the new 1.6 update for Stardew valley that I thought we should show a little love for the developers and all their hard work on this huge update and say one thing (or more) that we enjoy about the update. I will start!

I have an bunch!

I really enjoy the new mastery cave and how its items either make the game easier or more interesting. Like the iridium scythe makes harvesting a breeze and the new mini forge brings the powers of the volcano inside your door and let’s not forget those adorable trinkets. They make combat easier plus they are so gosh darn cute following you around everywhere! 🥰🫶. Also the advanced iridium rod can really
make fishing easier AND/OR more profitable depending on what tackle you choose. The mastery bait rocks for big steady cash flow especially when combined with the new fish smoker. I love how you can put most non floral forage in preserve jars now. I just absolutely love the artifact warp wands. Can’t think of their name but I like to make a big stack and go to a beach either Pelican Beach or Ginger Island and make dozens of those wiggly worms and rake in the lot. So freaking much fun! I’m addicted to artifact spots anyways so this just takes it to a whole new level of excitement over them lol! And I love all of the extra clothes and new dialogue the villagers have now. I’ll stop there for now ☺🥰🫶

What are your favorite things?
My Top 5:
1. Green Rain Event, it's really cool and different and thematic and it does a *ton* to even out Foraging XP vs the XP gain of other skills.
2. Meadowlands Farm, it's a different start and a fun map.
3. Books and Powers, it's a really cool system for enabling additional perks on a character..
4. Golden Animal Crackers, it's nice to be able to double down (literally!) on your animals and it's a fun mini game trying to collect them once unlocked.
5. Targeted Bait, it's crazy how powerful and useful it is and it totally changes everything in terms of fishing.
...wait, am I already at 5, and I didn't even get to Trinkets or the Blessings statues or masteries in general? Or Blue Grass, or the Desert Festival, or the fishing festivals and frenzies? Jeez I should have done a top 10! 1.6 rocks!

Lew Zealand

I :heart: :

The Villager Shops at the Desert Festival as you can get many unique cosmetic items
Emily's Outfit Services at the DesertFest as you get free outfits!
Free Ugly Cactuses at the Desert Festival
Gil's Hat (I love this so much!)
Hats and Statues at the Calico Egg Merchant
Random Clothing Drops when doing almost anything
The Tie Dye Shirt (I finally got it!)
Green Rain and all the Fiber and Moss I get from clearing the map (no Living Hat yet tho, grrrrr!)
Trout Derby
SquidFest, with Squid Hat!
Villager dialog updates
Blue Grass because moargrass is moarbetter!
The rewards from the Mastery Cave, especially all of them. OK if I had to pick one then it would be yes.
Alternating layouts for many of the OG Festivals

...and loads more but this is so long already!


I haven't played on 1.6 yet (waiting for Switch patch), but a few of the things I'm most looking forward to experiencing are:

-Downward attack range being extended. Always bothered me that attacking downward was pretty much a guarantee to take damage as well.
-The prize machine and tickets for doing requests for villagers. Extra incentives are always welcome!
-Being able to ugrade and enchant the pan, making it more useful.
-The sideways hopping when watering!!!
-And as someone who loves to decorate their home, I love that rugs can no longer be picked up accidentally if something else in on top of them. That was the bane of my existence.
Maybe I just don't check out posts enough, but I really didn't see "so much frustrations, hurt feelings...". There were disagreements for sure, but I think having some open disagreements are healthy as long as the intentions are not mean.

Regardless, I gotta concur with waterfalls (and gobies), it's just such a small but cute concept! I really enjoy full blown pets as well, why stopppp at one? Here, have them all!
There were little small things I also appreciate like individual designs for the juices, pickles, wines and jellies, it adds to the immersion in just the right way to tickle my brain.
The trinkets are also nice, but to extend that and allow the frogs to be in tanks is just one step ahead of my expectations of how trinkets should even work!

There are many small and large things that I can talk about, and I think it's precisely these "many small things" that makes 1.6 distinctly cool (as compared to 1.5) because together they add up to a fuller nicer experience of Stardew Valley. It is no wonder Mr. Barone encourages us to play with a new save, and Lil Quackers is getting the full Barone vision!


Local Legend
I honestly do like the wider possibilities for challenges that have been introduced.

While maybe not something that's tied to any particular addition to the game come 1.6 (more of a sentiment each time we get any content), it's still a load of fun in the exploration and planning for runs and the different bugs or features that mix around in each patch offering something to mess with or push to its limits (1.6.0 having a few fascinating issues, 1.6.8 having many of the useful bugs before their patching such as the fish pond manip, 1.6.9 having bugs itself like crab pot item duping, etc.)

The machinery and refining of skills just as a concept too was done quite well in my eyes, fish smokers and dehydrators are so refreshing to gameplay loops for some that haven't changed in years, being genuine alternatives in a certain action or in the way your save will flow as a whole.


i like the meadowlands start with the chickens. it really helps me. you are so far ahead of me. i finally got to the island and learning new stuff. i do like the new update and its variety,
Definitely not a race! You are doing it the good old fashioned way. Once I found cheat mods I kind of got carried away to explore the new content. 🫣😬😊Now I’m back on a new save on mobile where there is no modding so I’m inching along like you are. I do have one mobile save where I’m much farther along using item ID glitch for easy cash but I like starting over sometimes. 😊
it's still a load of fun in the exploration and planning for runs and the different bugs or features that mix around in each patch offering something to mess with or push to its limits (1.6.0 having a few fascinating issues, 1.6.8 having many of the useful bugs before their patching such as the fish pond manip, 1.6.9 having bugs itself like crab pot item duping, etc.)
They are so much fun! Short-lasting as they may be, knowing the physical limits of the game feels like Qi-level wizardry to me, we are breaking the physics of what's expected of the world in ways that potentially benefits (or even harm) us. The optionality of these bugs means you can always avoid them if you find them dangerous or dishonorable to do, but it opens up a new realm of playstyle that fundamentally changes the way you interact with the game (should you choose to).

I particularly liked some of the divorce bugs where divorcees just get out of bounds and then figuring out a way to "rescue" them out using workarounds and ultra-stalking tactics (to figure out where they are out of bounds and when they have a chance to be within bounds again).


I can't really say much since I only recently started playing after 1.6 but I really like the iridium scythe and I cannot imagine the pain of harvesting crop fields without it. the waterfalls are really nice to. 1.6 stayed to the spirit of the game and added a little something for everyone.
My personal thoughts on Stardew valley is that its a truly unique game as its mastered appealing to the majority of people making the target audience expand beyond people looking for a cozy game. it never forces you To go down one path and offers many paths you can follow from fighting serpents in the skull cavern to raising chicken's and cows.


I agree with a lot of things other people have said, but also gonna chime in with prize tickets. As a compulsive help-wanted-checker and special-order-fulfiller, getting fabulous prizes like fruit tree saplings and kegs and whatnot for my troubles is awesome. Mystery Boxes are a lot of fun as well, and once I get them in any given run I almost always don my mystery shirt, give my mystery hat to my trusty steed or faithful hound, and slap the mystery wallpaper in my keg shed along with some blue flooring.