Switch My Spouse is Stuck In the Fence! (Bug)


Alright, an update to fix this temporarily. This happens lately when spouses are trying to leave the house to go to town. I noticed this happening as for some reason they try to walk to the fence and then end up stuck. So what I did was put a fence in the area so they don't walk there again, and seems like they walk to town normally again.

Edit: Actually, no. He breaks the fence I place instead just to get stuck again 😭
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Yup. Same here. Opened my save this morning right by after doing the update on my switch and Alex immediately got stuck in the fence on his way to town. Also experiences more lag and freezing on this update than the last. (1.6.9)


Alex honey stop getting stuck in the fence smh 😔
Strangely enough I am not freezing as much! But I think it’s more noticeable around bodies of water so fishing always messes me up.


Alex honey stop getting stuck in the fence smh 😔
Strangely enough I am not freezing as much! But I think it’s more noticeable around bodies of water so fishing always messes me up.
Oh my god I’m freezing so much. And poor Alex. He’s clearly took freezing to a whole new level.